
Basic Setup of ESXi Ubuntu instances

Primary LanguageShell

Ubuntu Setup for ESXi

This is an ansible playbook I use for my ESXi instances to have a base common setup.

It does the following things:

  • Install python (required for ansible provisioning)
  • Install ubuntu universe as repository
  • Install some additional packages (e.g. jq)
  • Disable SSH access with username and password
  • Disable SSH access with root
  • Disable password for ubuntu user to become root (not for production use)
  • Mount second sdb device if it's present

How to execute

Please replace the ip address listed in hosts file with the ip address of your instance.

[server]     ansible_connection=ssh        ansible_user=ubuntu

Then execute the following command:

ansible-playbook -i hosts -v -b -c ssh --ask-pass --ask-sudo-pass provision.yml

The ask-pass and ask-sudo-pass are only required for the first run, because then the sudo escalation is secured via password.