
A high performance library for image processing

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


An open-source high performance library for image processing. including CPU optimization and GPU optimization. PRs are welcome.

For more details on DeltaCV ,please go to https://dasuda.top/category/#/DeltaCV.

 author Haibo     contributions welcome

1. Shared Memory


  • Boost




#include "deltaCV/cpu/shm.hpp"

For more details, see my blog;



  • OpenCV(This library dose not depend on OpenCV, but the input of the function is often type-cv::Mat)
  • SSE
  • AVX

Compile options

You need put these compile options in your CMakeLists.txt.

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -march=haswell")


All samples are in cpu/examples/.

  • inRange
  • ycrcbWithSeg
  • weightedGrayWithSeg
  • grayBRWithSeg
  • grayBRWithSegStandard

Performance Table

Image Size: 1024 x 1280(H x W)

Function OpenCV/ms DeltaCV/ms Speed-up
inRange 1.06 - 1.18 0.29 - 0.30 3.5 - 4.0
ycrcbWithSeg 6.68 - 6.75 0.88 - 0.90 7.4 - 7.6
weightedGrayWithSeg 1.56 - 1.69 0.39 - 0.46 3.39 - 4.33
grayBRWithSeg 3.28 - 3.35 0.69 - 0.71 4.6 - 4.8
grayBRWithSegStandard 1.19 - 1.22 0.23 - 0.25 4.76 - 5.30



  • CUDA
  • OpenCV


All samples are in gpu/examples/.

  • binarization
  • colorSpace
  • edgeDetection
  • erode_dilate
  • getHist
  • equalizeHist
  • blur

Performance Table

Image Size: 480 x 640(H x W)

Function GPU/ms (NVIDIA GTX 1070 8G) CPU/ms (OpenCV on i5 7500) Speed-up
RGB2GRAY 0.008 - 0.010 0.340 - 0.360 3.4 - 45
RGB2HSV 0.150 - 0.200 3.900 - 4.400 19.5 - 29.3
thresholdBinarization 0.005 - 0.008 0.035 - 0.045 4.4 - 9.0
ostu 0.16-0.17 1.280-1.432 8.0-8.9
sobel / scharr 0.032 - 0.038 - -
erode / dilate (3*3 rect) 0.045 - 0.049 - -
getHist (bin:256) 0.145 - 0.149 - -
equalizeHist(bin:256) 0.16-0.17 0.31-0.32 1.8-2.0
blur(3*3 guassian kernel) 0.036-0.040 - -

Function List

Color space transformation

  • RGB2GRAY(uchar3* dataIn,unsigned char* dataOut,int imgRows,int imgCols): in gpu/src/colorSpace.cu. Converting RGB images to gray-scale images.

  • RGB2HSV(uchar3* dataIn,uchar3* dataOut,int imgRows,int imgCols,uchar3 minVal,uchar3 maxVal): in gpu/src/colorSpace.cu. Converting RGB images to HSV images, and using threshold segmentation to RGB images based on minVal and maxVal.


  • thresholdBinarization(unsigned char* dataIn,unsigned char* dataOut,short int imgRows,short int imgCols,unsigned char thresholdMin,unsigned char thresholdMax,unsigned char valMin,unsigned char valMax): in gpu/src/binarization.cu. Similar to OpenCV function threshold(), I designed 5 modes: THRESH_BINARY, THRESH_BINARY_INV, THRESH_TRUNC, THRESH_TOZERO, THRESH_TOZERO_INV.
 * Compare 'threshold()' funciton in OpenCV
 * When:
 *      thresholdMin = thresholdMax and valMin = 0  ==> THRESH_BINARY
 *      thresholdMin = thresholdMax and valMax = 0  ==> THRESH_BINARY_INV
 *      thresholdMax = valMax and thresholdMin = 0  ==> THRESH_TRUNC
 *      thresholdMax = 255 and valMin = 0  ==> THRESH_TOZERO
 *      thresholdMin = 0 and valMax = 0  ==> THRESH_TOZERO_INV
  • ostu_gpu(unsigned char* dataIn,unsigned char* dataOut,unsigned int* hist,float* sum_Pi,float* sum_i_Pi,float* u_0,float* varance,int* thres,short int imgRows,short int imgCols): in gpu/src/binarization.cu. Binarization using ostu.

Edge Detection

  • sobel(unsigned char* dataIn,unsigned char* dataOut,short int imgRows,short int imgCols): in gpu/src/edgeDetection.cu. Edge detection using sobel operator.

  • scharr(unsigned char* dataIn,unsigned char* dataOut,short int imgRows,short int imgCols): in gpu/src/edgeDetection.cu. Edge detection using scharr operator.

Erode and Dilate

  • erode(unsigned char* dataIn,unsigned char* dataOut,short int imgRows,short int imgCols,short int erodeElementRows,short int erodeElementCols): in gpu/src/erode_dilate.cu.

  • dilate(unsigned char* dataIn,unsigned char* dataOut,short int imgRows,short int imgCols,short int dilateElementRows,short int dilateElementCols): in gpu/src/erode_dilate.cu.


  • getHist(unsigned char* dataIn, unsigned int* hist): in gpu/src/getHist.cu.
  • [wrapper]equalizeHist_gpu(unsigned char* dataIn,unsigned int* hist,unsigned int* sum_ni,unsigned char* dataOut,short int imgRows,short int imgCols,dim3 tPerBlock,dim3 bPerGrid): in gpu/src/getHist.cu.(Unfinished)

Guassian Blur

  • guassianBlur3_gpu(unsigned char* dataIn,unsigned char* dataOut,short int imgRows,short int imgCols,dim3 tPerBlock,dim3 bPerGrid): in gpu/src/blur.cu. Guassian blur with 3*3 kernel