This FiveM adaptation was made with the use of EmmyLua and IntelliJ IDEA. Natives in EmmyDoc format were generated to help ease the programming experience. Note that only around 60% (rough estimation) of the original Chaos Mod effects are adapted. The 40% are mostly not here due to replication issues, being impossible to make through only server code (i.e. memory patching), or simply because I didn't have time.

The EnumerateX methods are from this gist. DisplayMessage displays a notification in the bottom left of the screen. ScaleformMessage is the SHOW_SHARD_RANKUP_MP_MESSAGE process.


This repository, due to being an adaptation of the singleplayer chaos mod, also abides by the GNU General Public License 3.0

Code Disclaimer

I never used Lua nor modded FiveM until less than a month ago. This project was done in around five days. The code is:

  • unoptimised
  • ugly
  • not reliably replicated
  • likely to crash

The commit messages are also undescriptive.


  1. Clone the repository/download it as zip
  2. Make sure ChaosMod and helpers folders are somewhere in the server-data folders
  3. Either in server.cfg or in the console, write ensure ChaosMod and ensure helpers
  4. You're ready! Start the mod with /startchaos and stop it with /stopchaos

You can also use /setduration to set the duration for normal-length effects, /setshortduration to set the duration for short-length effects, and /setinterval to set the interval for when new effects should come in.