
I'm a discord bot that locks you from sending messages in a chat: Shut the fuck up.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The shh BOT is a Discord bot made in discord.py that locks you from sending messages in a chat, and every time you try to do it, you get ratio'ed and roasted.


setar canal (channel id) - Sets the bot's functionality to this channel.

coloca eles no chinelo - Starts doing it's thing.

para com isso - Stop doing it's thing.

ping - Shows the bot's latency to Discord.

Although, commands are customizable, if you're willing to customize them, head into strings.py and modificate them as you wish.

Adding more messages

Head into strings.py, and you may add, remove or modify them there.

As long as each piece of phrase has one comma (,) at the end, they should be fine to work with the bot.

You can do it with the bot's activities as well, do the same on the activities array instead.

How to use it

You'll have to clone this repository, and run index.py by yourself.

After cloning this repository, head in token.py.example, fill in with the token of your bot, and rename the file to token.py, and after installing discord.py, you should be ready to start the bot.

With it running, set the channel using setar canal (channel id).

Take a note: you will need to have the Manage Messages permission to use commands.


Start it by using coloca eles no chinelo.


And stop it by using para com isso.


And you should be ready to go!




  • Between guilds compatibility (each instance works with only one channel in one guild);


This is a meme bot and it is barely coded well, so please, don't take it seriously.

And you probably saw that i love if statements.