
Plex Plugin for watching library of russian movies online

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Plex Plugin for watching russian movies online from Etvnet media library


  • Python 2.7.x
  • OSX or Ubuntu
  • Plex Media Server

Install PMS

  • on Ubuntu:
sudo dpkg -i plexmediaserver_0.

sudo service plexmediaserer restart
  • on OSX:

locate latest pkg file.

Plex Media Server (PMS) is located in (<plex_home>):

  • Ubuntu: /var/lib/plexmediaserver
  • OSX: /Applications/Plex\ Media\ Server.app

Plugins for PMS are located here (<plugins_home>):

  • Ubuntu: /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins
  • OSX: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins

Logs are located here:

  • Ubuntu:

/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Logs/PMS\ Plugin\ Logs/com.plexapp.plugins.etvnet.log /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Logs/Plex\ Media\ Server.log

OSX: ~/Library/Logs/Plex\ Media\ Server/PMS\ Plugin\ Logs/com.plexapp.plugins.etvnet.log ~/Library/Logs/Plex\ Media\ Server.log

Installing core tools

  • Install Python (OSX):
xcode-select --install

brew install pyenv

pyenv install 2.7.10
pyenv rehash

pyenv local 2.7.10

python --version
  • Install pip and invoke:
easy_install pip
pip install invoke
pip install paramiko

Building and installing plugin

  • build plugin:
invoke build

After this command folder 'build' will have 'Etvnet.bundle.zip' archive.

You need to extract this archive into the <plugins_home>:

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins
git clone git@github.com:shvets/Etvnet.bundle.git

See how to manually install a channel [here] manually-install-a-channel

On Ubuntu, because of plugins folder location, you have to change the directory owner (plex):

sudo -S chown -R plex /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins

You can build and deploy on OSX with this command:

invoke deploy

This command will also restarts plex server.

Install plugin on remote Ubuntu machine:

env USERNAME=user HOSTNAME=remote_host invoke rdeploy

Plugin Location

  • Ubuntu: /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins/Etvnet.bundle/

  • OSX: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins/Etvnet.bundle/

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