
Tunerpro RT data acquistion plugin for ALDL and wideband O2


Tunerpro RT data acquistion plugin for ALDL and wideband O2

  • 8192 baud ALDL

  • Innovate or Aem WB with serialport connection

  • Plx WB. Not tested, please report all tests, success or failure!

  • Tested with 1989 TPI engine, should work with other 8192baud ALDL vehicles

  • Tested with Innovate MTX-L, should work with other models

  • Tested with Aem X-series Uego, should work with other models

  • Warning! Beta software. No warranty! Use at your own risk!


  • modify datastream definition, add AFR to END of datastream:

  • Uncheck ADX Header Data: "RSR232 Echo"

  • Mode 1 dump reply: Add 2 bytes to Body size (67 => 69)

  • Mode 1 dump reply: Add 3 bytes to Payload size (63 => 66)

  • Setup Values, Wideband AFR:

    • Packet offset: 64 (AFR word position - 3 header bytes)
    • Source Data size: 16 Bit
    • Conversion for Innovate : (X/1000 + 0.5)*14.7
    • Conversion for Aem: X/10
    • Conversion for Plx: (X/25.5) + 10

You can also replace another value in datastream with AFR value, in this case leave Body size & Payload size unmodified and setup "AFR word position" in plugin settings.

  • Warning! beta software

If Tunerpro crash, remove file ??\Documents\TunerPro Files\Plugins\Aldl-WB-Plugin.dll