Primary LanguagePython

Improving Molecular Pretraining with Complementary Featurizations

This repository provides the source code for the paper Improving Molecular Pretraining with Complementary Featurizations. Here we consider four kinds of views:

  • 2D Graph
  • 3D Geometry
  • Morgan Fingerprint
  • SMILES String


numpy             1.21.2
networkx          2.6.3
scikit-learn      1.0.2
pandas            1.3.4
python            3.7.11
torch             1.10.2+cu113
torch-geometric   2.0.3
transformers      4.17.0
rdkit             2020.09.1.0
ase               3.22.1
ogb               1.3.3

Dataset Preprocessing


  • Geometric Ensemble Of Molecules (GEOM)
mkdir datasets
cd datasets
mkdir -p GEOM/raw
mkdir -p GEOM/processed

wget https://dataverse.harvard.edu/api/access/datafile/4327252
mv 4327252 rdkit_folder.tar.gz
tar -xvf rdkit_folder.tar.gz
  • Chem Datasets
wget http://snap.stanford.edu/gnn-pretrain/data/chem_dataset.zip
unzip chem_dataset.zip
mv dataset molecule_datasets
  • Other Chem Datasets
    • malaria
    • cep
wget -O malaria-processed.csv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HIPS/neural-fingerprint/master/data/2015-06-03-malaria/malaria-processed.csv
mkdir -p ./molecule_datasets/malaria/raw
mv malaria-processed.csv ./molecule_datasets/malaria/raw/malaria.csv

wget -O cep-processed.csv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HIPS/neural-fingerprint/master/data/2015-06-02-cep-pce/cep-processed.csv
mkdir -p ./molecule_datasets/cep/raw
mv cep-processed.csv ./molecule_datasets/cep/raw/cep.csv


Before preprocessing the datasets, please train the RoBERTa model first and store the corresponding SMILES embedding in order to save memory cost.

cd src
python SMILES_train.py
python SMILES_process.py
  • GEOM preprocessing
python dataset_preparation.py --n_mol 50000 --n_conf 5 --n_upper 1000
  • Downstream preprocessing (Classification)
python molecule_preparation.py
  • Downstream preprocessing (Regression)
cd src/datasets
python regression_datasets.py
python qm9_data.py


Due to different training dynamics of different view encoders, we do a hyperparameter search of the learning rates and dropout ratio for each encoder from [1e-3,1e-4,...,1e-7] and [0, 0.3, 0.5], respectively. The following command are different hyperparameter combination for classfication and regression tasks.

  • Pre-training for classification
cd src
python pretrain.py --dataset=Final_GEOM_FULL_nmol50000_nconf5 --lr=0.0001 --gnn_lr_scale=1 --schnet_lr_scale=0.1 --fp_lr_scale=0.1 --mlp_lr_scale=10 --fuse_lr_scale=0.01 --dropout_ratio=0
  • Fine-tune for classification
python finetune_supervised.py --input_model_file = '../runs/Classification_models/' --lr=0.0001 --gnn_lr_scale=1 --schnet_lr_scale=0.1 --fp_lr_scale=0.1 --mlp_lr_scale=10 --fuse_lr_scale=0.001 --dropout_ratio=0.5
  • Pre-training for regression
cd src
python pretrain_regression.py --dataset=Final_GEOM_FULL_nmol50000_nconf5 --lr=0.001 --gnn_lr_scale=0.1 --schnet_lr_scale=0.1 --fp_lr_scale=0.1 --mlp_lr_scale=1 --fuse_lr_scale=0.1 --dropout_ratio=0
  • Fine-tune for regression
python finetune_QM9.py --input_model_file = '../runs/Regression_models/' --lr=0.001 --gnn_lr_scale=0.1 --schnet_lr_scale=0.1 --fp_lr_scale=0.1 --mlp_lr_scale=1 --fuse_lr_scale=0.01 --dropout_ratio=0.5

python finetune_regression.py --input_model_file = '../runs/Regression_models/' --lr=0.001 --gnn_lr_scale=1 --schnet_lr_scale=0.1 --fp_lr_scale=0.1 --mlp_lr_scale=10 --fuse_lr_scale=0.01 --dropout_ratio=0.5