
Source code for the paper 'Uncovering Neural Scaling Laws in Molecular Representation Learning' (NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Neural Scaling Law in Molecular Representation Learning

This repository provides the source code for the paper Uncovering Neural Scaling Law in Molecular Representation Learning. We also provide a more detailed documentation MolScaling for new users to reproduce our results and build uopn our code, which includes detailed lists of dataset classes, model classes and easy-to-use tutorials, along with accompanying docstrings for each.


numpy             1.21.2
scikit-learn      1.0.2
pandas            1.3.4
python            3.7.11
torch             1.10.2+cu113
torch-geometric   2.0.3
transformers      4.17.0
rdkit             2020.09.1.0
ase               3.22.1
ogb               1.3.3

Python environment setup with Conda

conda create --name NSL_MRL python=3.7.11
conda activate NSL_MRL

pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113

pip install pyg_lib torch_scatter torch_sparse torch_cluster torch_spline_conv -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.10.2%2Bcu113.html

pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset Preparation


We offer the processed dataset on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sWrG8ZhBvx9lrfzMHEhbEpLPjHuBdjm_?usp=drive_link. To access the datasets, please download and extract the HIV, MUV, and PCBA datasets from the molecule_net.zip file, while the QM9 dataset can be extracted from qm9.zip. Please place the extracted files in the ./datasets/ folder, maintaining the following hierarchical structure:



We investigate the neural scaling behaviors of molecular representation learning (MRL) from a data-centric perspective across various dimensions,including (1) data modality, (2) data distribution, (3) pre-training intervention, and (4) model capacity.

Apart from empirical discovery, we further adapt seven popular data pruning strategies to molecular data to seek the possibility to beat the scaling law. Below, we will provide detailed command with reproducible hyperparameter settings for each dimension.

  • General Neural Scaling law

Please use the default settings in config.py for unspecified hyperparameters.

# finetue_ratio: [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]
# property:      [gap, U0, zpve]
# dataset:       [hiv, muv, pcba]
python main_graph.py --finetune_ratio=0.1 --dataset=hiv
python main_3d.py --finetune_ratio=0.1 --property=gap
  • The Effect of Molecular Modality
python main_graph.py --finetune_ratio=0.1 --dataset=hiv
python main_fingerprint.py --finetune_ratio=0.1 --dataset=hiv
python main_smiles.py --finetune_ratio=0.1 --dataset=hiv
  • The Effect of Pre-training

We offer the pretrained weight of GIN model in ./model_saved. However, you also have the option to retrain the pre-trained model from scratch.

python main_graph.py --finetune_ratio=0.1 --dataset=hiv --pretrain
  • The Effect of Data Distribution
# split:      [random, scaffold, imbalanced]
python main_graph.py --finetune_ratio=0.1 --dataset=hiv --split=random
  • Data Pruning

Note that Uncertainty method includes two measurements: Entropy and Least Confidence. If you choose other pruning methods, please ignore the Uncertainty configuration below.

# selection:      [Herding, Uncertainty, Forgetting, GraNd, Kmeans]
# Uncertainty:      [Entropy, LeastConfidence]
python main_graph.py --finetune_ratio=0.1 --dataset=hiv --finetune_pruning --selection=Kmeans --uncertainty=Entropy

Cite Us

Feel free to cite this work if you find it useful to you!

  title={Uncovering Neural Scaling Laws in Molecular Representation Learning},
  author={Chen, Dingshuo and Zhu, Yanqiao and Zhang, Jieyu and Du, Yuanqi and Li, Zhixun and Liu, Qiang and Wu, Shu and Wang, Liang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.15123},