Porting BabyAGI to Oobabooba.
Original GPT-4 version: https://github.com/yoheinakajima/babyagi
You need Oobabooga installed and running in order to use this. Oobabooga can be found here:
You need to modify the start-webui.bat to replace the server init with this line:
python server.py --listen --no-stream --api
You have to enter your pinecone API key in the main.py script. Your pinecone index dimensions must be 768 with cosine metric.
After cloning the repo, create a venv, conda or any other environment of your choice.
Then run:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the command bellow before installing the requirements in you venv
python -m pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/rocm5.4.2
just run the main.py