Pinned issues
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When RUM is used alongside xmldom package: Identifier <obfuscated> has already been declared
#3164 opened by WilHall - 4
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Support Multiple Datadog Browser Log Instances with Independent Session Management
#3121 opened by naseemkullah - 1
🙏 How to disable cookie?
#3148 opened by alexeychikk - 2
Is there something similar to Logs Pipelines for RUM?
#3199 opened by CallMeHK - 1
🐛 Browser SDK does not initialize correctly if config for RUM and Logs is not perfectly in sync
#3136 opened by thuringia - 1
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Support custom URL schemas
#3131 opened by seravifer - 1
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🙏 How to enable version on datadog-rum?
#3156 opened by zach-guo-opus - 3
Multiple RUM applications on the same domain
#3113 opened by bdox - 4
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🙏 Need help to setup RUM datadog proxy with NGINX
#3111 opened by vedansh-kapoor - 3
🙏 Testing `beforeSend` in Jest
#3109 opened by sfc-gh-spanferov - 1
🙏 [NEXTJS] Unable to use RUM without error
#3068 opened by paul-roman - 5
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Sending Logs to Backend Before Forwarding to Datadog (Without Exposing clientToken)
#3104 opened by maoryadin - 1
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🐛 Error Objects logged via console.warn are not showing up in the log detail
#3107 opened by alewcock - 2
Feature flags not available on custom vitals
#3076 opened by pg-synth - 5
Warnings on import: "SDK is loaded more than once. This is unsupported and might have unexpected behavior"
#2919 opened by SargisPlusPlus - 4
🐛 rum requests pending forever
#2982 opened by renanrodrigueszup - 2
Track multi views, cumulates with the previous one
#3051 opened by amortemousque - 3
Determine error source in beforeSend
#3034 opened by jeremy-ap - 4
🐛 Some requests being processed as both XHR and Fetch, produces duplicate headers
#2940 opened by ValerieNayak - 1
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🐛 Warning message when setting Japanese tags
#2945 opened by taromn - 2
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Reported error traces at Datadog RUM is truncated than original error traces of browser side.
#2976 opened by oy-elrion018 - 4
Client side page views seem to no longer be recognized (script tag version)
#2956 opened by corbin-mosher - 5
🐛 API calls are not logged with withFetch() API in newer versions of Angular
#2911 opened by gokberknur - 2
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History API is wrapped wrong
#2943 opened by kamtschatka - 1
Support RUM work on Web-Worker
#2949 opened by miridih-chyoon - 3
Invalid traceparent generated is causing dd-python library to throw errors
#2925 opened by grzegorzwziatek-flyr - 2
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🐛 Expiration of cookie __dd_s after setTrackingConsent('not-granted') call
#2923 opened by Alexis2004 - 3
🙏 My support need
#2847 opened by RaudByorn - 2
🙏 Inflated LCP + load time values
#2888 opened by alexmanzo - 2
🐛 Track Click Action produces memory leak
#2865 opened by VincentMolinie - 1
💡 Prerendering support
#2859 opened by cole - 1
💡 Support for "pending" for trackingConsent
#2819 opened by dlmr - 1
💡 Tracking Keyboard 'Enter' Events
#2805 opened by blchelle - 3
🙏 Document how action target name is computed
#2763 opened by blchelle - 6
getSelectorFromElement scales poorly with a large DOM and ids with numbers are not used
#2751 opened by tygary - 3
Nuxtjs application not loading Datadog RUM properly and no data is reported to Datadog
#2773 opened by eduardocampano