
Ruby client for the Datadog API

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository contains a Ruby API client for the Datadog API. The code is generated using generator package.


Installing and using the API client library requires:

  1. Ruby 2.6+


The following steps will help you quickly start interacting with Datadog APIs using Ruby client.

Install published Ruby gem

  1. Add the datadog_api_client gem to you Gemfile:

    source 'https://rubygems.org'
    gem 'datadog_api_client'
  2. Install the gem with bundle install

  3. (optional) You can configure site and authentication using environment variables or code block:

    DatadogAPIClient.configure do |config|
      config.server_variables[:site] = 'datadoghq.eu'

Build a gem

  1. Build the Ruby code into a gem:

    gem build datadog_api_client.gemspec
  2. Install the gem locally:

    gem install ./datadog_api_client-*.gem

Install from Git

  1. Add the following in the Gemfile:

    gem 'datadog_api_client', :git => 'https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-api-client-ruby.git'
  2. Install the gem with bundle install

Include the Ruby code directly

  1. Create example.rb script (find inspiration on https://docs.datadoghq.com/api/)

  2. Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

    ruby -Ilib example.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Ruby code:

require 'datadog_api_client'

api_instance = DatadogAPIClient::V1::IPRangesAPI.new

  result = api_instance.get_ip_ranges
  p result
rescue DatadogAPIClient::APIError => e
  puts "Error when calling IPRangesAPI->get_ip_ranges: #{e}"


Authenticate with the API by providing your API and Application keys in the configuration:

DatadogAPIClient.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = ENV['NON_STANDARD_NAME_FOR_DD_API_KEY']
  config.application_key = ENV['NON_STANDARD_NAME_FOR_DD_APP_KEY']

Unstable (Beta) Endpoints

This client includes access to Datadog API endpoints while they are in an unstable state and may undergo breaking changes. An extra configuration step is required to enable these endpoints:

DatadogAPIClient.configure do |config|
  config.unstable_operations[:'<api_version>.<unstable_operation_id>'] = true

where <unstable_operation_id> is the name of the method used to interact with that endpoint. For example: list_log_indexes, or get_logs_index

Changing Server

When talking to a different server, like the eu instance, change the server_variables on your configuration object:

config = DatadogAPIClient::Configuration.new
config.server_variables[:site] = "datadoghq.eu"
client = DatadogAPIClient::APIClient.new(config)

Disable compressed payloads

If you want to disable GZIP compressed responses, set the compress flag on your configuration object:

config = DatadogAPIClient::Configuration.new
config.compress = false
client = DatadogAPIClient::APIClient.new(config)

Enable requests logging

If you want to enable requests logging, set the debugging flag on your configuration object:

config = DatadogAPIClient::Configuration.new
config.debugging = true
client = DatadogAPIClient::APIClient.new(config)

Configure proxy

You can configure the client to use proxy by setting http_proxyaddr and http_proxyport keys on configuration object:

config = DatadogAPIClient::Configuration.new
config.http_proxyaddr = ''
config.http_proxyport = '3128'
client = DatadogAPIClient::APIClient.new(config)


Several listing operations have a pagination method to help consume all the items available. For example, to retrieve all your incidents:

require "datadog_api_client"
DatadogAPIClient.configure do |config|
  config.unstable_operations[:'v2.list_incidents'] = true
api_instance = DatadogAPIClient::V2::IncidentsAPI.new
api_instance.list_incidents_with_pagination() do |incident|
  p incident.id


To enable the client to retry when rate limited (status 429) or status 500 and above:

config = DatadogAPIClient::Configuration.new
config.enable_retry = true
client = DatadogAPIClient::APIClient.new(config)

The interval between 2 retry attempts will be the value of the x-ratelimit-reset response header when available. If not, it will be :

(config.backoffMultiplier ** current_retry_count) * config.backoffBase

The maximum number of retry attempts is 3 by default and can be modified with



If you are interested in general documentation for all public Datadog API endpoints, checkout the general documentation site.

Developer documentation for supported endpoints and models is available in Github pages.

For contributing, checkout the development guide.

