- 5
Serverless Distributed Tracing: Trace Extractor/Propagation for batched events
#317 opened by lucashfreitas - 11
Database Spans Tagged Wrong
#259 opened by dwinrick-lever - 3
- 58
TypeError - handler is not a function
#237 opened by RealityCtrl - 8
Support for NodeJS lambda profiling
#252 opened by vladimirnani - 11
How to debug "datadog:handler not initialized"
#209 opened by devshorts - 7
Cold start is unacceptably slow
#384 opened by shyouhei - 5
Make `TraceExtractor` async
#385 opened by midu-git - 2
DD logging Warning APM data missing
#383 opened by pedrolourencoribeiro - 7
datadog:handler not initialized
#369 opened by fabiokr - 3
Pls update broken link in readme
#371 opened by anjakunkel - 4
[question] How do I configure the tags, service name and plugins from within the lambda code?
#361 opened by agoldis - 11
AWS SDK v3 traces display as http.request
#364 opened by automartin5000 - 6
ES Module support
#266 opened by edeesis - 2
X: Cannot decode %s traces payload: %v [v0.4 read tcp> i/o timeout]
#314 opened by zomgbre - 1
Improve error message due to node version mismatches
#309 opened by Woodz - 2
- 1
Datadog layer arn:aws:lambda:<AWS_REGION>:464622532012:layer:Datadog-Node16-x:84 is broken
#310 opened by j2fong - 1
Version 6.82.0 breaks AWS RIC support
#305 opened by cRicateau - 2
DD_API_KEY_SECRET_ARN returns weird error
#306 opened by Vrtak-CZ - 1
Support OpenSearch as a Plugin
#299 opened by zomgbre - 4
- 13
- 8
- 1
Debug not passed to tracer when set
#289 opened by astuyve - 2
[Feature Request] NodeJS 16.x layer
#284 opened by cayter - 8
- 3
- 3
Cloudwatch error after setting up our lambda function with CDK construct
#256 opened by olivierpichon - 1
Integration Clarification
#270 opened by uttrasey - 6
- 4
Custom Metrics
#255 opened by sugendran - 1
Can't send custom metrics from aws lambda function deployed via datadog-cdk-construct
#258 opened by dmcd - 2
DataDog Layer doesn't support arm architecture
#250 opened by pauloprestes - 2
- 2
#154 opened by rathoregee - 7
Possible to not send distribution metrics?
#226 opened by devshorts - 3
- 1
- 1
Unable to control service name of wrapped handlers
#152 opened by bigkraig - 5
Ability to override http request options
#158 opened by pdhodgkinson - 10
Webpack not able to bundle datadog-lambda-js
#184 opened by mohitm94 - 0
test - please delete
#180 opened by askkaz - 2
- 1
- 1
Question: AWS SDK Lambda invoke tracing
#167 opened by Padwicker - 2
API Gateway v1 protocol causes 500 response from API gateway (possible regression in 3.46.0)
#162 opened by jamestelfer - 1
- 1
- 4