- 7
[Bug]: Upgrading to 1.4.1 out of memory issue
#2902 opened by styoo4001 - 0
[Feature] Working with php stubs
#2979 opened by zbigniew-malcherczyk-tg - 2
[Bug]: Segfault in dd_observe_fiber_switch
#2923 opened by cleverhoods - 6
[Bug] Crashes on 1.5.0
#2966 opened by jr-k - 1
[Bug]: DD_TRACE_CLI_ENABLED no longer taken into account
#2977 opened by greg0ire - 6
[Feature] Resource based trace sampling rules
#2962 opened by orlandothoeny - 11
[Bug]: Missing php classes stubs
#2931 opened by zbigniew-malcherczyk-tg - 1
[Bug]: Span not created for mysqli_real_query
#2963 opened by junjihashimoto - 3
[Bug]: dd-library-php is downloading 550 MB
#2950 opened by rburgst - 5
[Feature] AppSec warnings for unset environment variables despite variables being set at Agent level in Kubernetes cluster
#2880 opened by stewartmalik - 5
[Bug]: PHP 8.3.13 ftp_fput() gets "Interrupted system call error" unless we use '-d ddtrace.disabled=1' as agument to PHP process call
#2952 opened by bravoman - 13
[Bug]: Upgrading to 1.4.0 breaks sending traces
#2889 opened by jc-beyer-tqgg - 2
[Bug]: Fatal errors in ddtrace.stub.php
#2953 opened by sleepyboy - 1
[Feature] Google Spanner integration
#2916 opened by junjihashimoto - 2
[Bug]: Ini file not created on install for specific pattern in PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR
#2949 opened by MitchelAnthony - 0
PSR18 integration service name
#2926 opened by TheLevti - 3
[Bug]: Errors during telemetry data flush - broken pipe
#2915 opened by kn0x1c - 4
[Bug]: Too many open files
#2914 opened by philvv - 4
- 14
[Bug]: upgrade from 1.3.2 to 1.4.* seems to cause segmentation fault when MongoDB Exception was thrown
#2898 opened by mirkojoshua - 5
[Bug]: Appsec warning: Remote config path too long
#2892 opened by nclavaud - 3
- 6
[Bug]: DataDog Profiler: compiler_globals: symbol not found
#2881 opened by AxaliaN - 2
Vulnerability in lexical-core in version 0.8.5
#2878 opened by magbytes - 7
[Bug]: broken build of 1.4.0 using rust 1.75
#2882 opened by remicollet - 2
[Bug]: Failed connecting to the sidecar
#2706 opened by remicollet - 0
[Bug]: Deprecated exception is thrown after upgrading MongoDB driver to 1.20.0
#2869 opened by cyberdelia1987 - 0
[Bug]: Method MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandStartedEvent::getServer() is deprecated
#2873 opened by pkowalski700lm - 1
[Bug]: Unable to load module in PHP 8.1 on ARM
#2865 opened by kjdev - 28
[Bug]: Version 1.3.0 test failure
#2831 opened by remicollet - 1
[Feature] Add memory_get_peak_usage to trace information
#2832 opened by TomKeur - 4
[Feature] Include max memory usage in root span
#2724 opened by matthewnessworthy - 3
[Bug]: Xdebug skips breakpoints after Psr\Log\LoggerInterface methods are called, only when DDTrace is enabled
#2774 opened by paigeruten - 2
[Feature] Profiler Support on Windows
#2826 opened by serak - 7
[Bug]: cannot build OFFLINE again
#2825 opened by remicollet - 9
[Bug]: cannot install datadog on windows php
#2786 opened by serak - 7
[Bug]: [Heroku] [Stack: heroku-24] Previously working deployments suddenly stopped with "ERROR: Required PHP extension 'json' not found."
#2787 opened by martynling - 0
[Feature] installers should detect embed SAPI as well
#2818 opened by razvanphp - 2
[Bug]: Can't get Single Step Instrumentation to work
#2807 opened by rafilkmp3 - 2
[Bug]: Integration DDTrace\Integrations\Swoole\SwooleIntegration not available. New attempts WILL NOT be performed.
#2809 opened by jaesonarsoftware - 2
[Bug]: Illegal instruction on Apple Silicon
#2806 opened by olsavmic - 2
- 5
- 1
- 2
[Bug]: Crash in OpenTelemetry Span::getCurrent() when accessing span link from auto instrumentation
#2765 opened by tvanhateren - 5
[Feature] `DD_TRACE_REMOVE_AUTOINSTRUMENTATION_ORPHANS` does not remove PDO spans for the `laravelqueue` integration
#2732 opened by stewartmalik - 3
[Bug]: \DDTrace\current_context trace_id does not match \DDTrace\logs_correlation_trace_id()
#2734 opened by Justinas-Jurciukonis - 0
[Bug]: `datadog-setup.php` script is not usable when installed with composer.json
#2730 opened by VincentLanglet - 1
[Bug]: Trace ids are no longer cascaded on next spans after `Tracer::extract(Format::TEXT_MAP)` & using context on `startxSpan`
#2726 opened by mrtus - 4
[Bug]: WordPress Integration is incomplete
#2713 opened by Veraxus