- 0
Links broken on Opentelemetry
#26168 opened by jackgopack4 - 0
اريد انشاء موقع الكتروني
#25781 opened by Wadee-33 - 1
Confusing naming about span tags
#25630 opened by theo303 - 1
Team ame and Handle creation rules
#23076 opened by htnosm - 0
Add time series graph to profiler docs
#20756 opened by dbenamydd - 0
Documentation points to a gcp reference rather than Azure
#19602 opened by jgibbons-cp - 1
- 1
Java Log Collection JSONLayout deprecated
#25211 opened by florianmutter - 6
PHP - Connecting logs with traces
#18272 opened by TomKeur - 1
Inaccurate documentation image for funnel filtering
#19702 opened by matthewhaywardyum - 3
- 1
Trino integration setup instructions are incomplete
#21487 opened by hashhar - 1
- 1
Remove rsyslog obsolete legacy imfile module directive PollingInterval
#22150 opened by jasonsketchup - 1
Add Portuguese translation
#25467 opened by mcruzdev - 0
Outdated DataDog over PrivateLink documentation
#22814 opened by bruno-chavez - 1
API logs cURL snippet are wrong
#25198 opened by cchantep - 1
Existing page has gone 404
#25046 opened by rmoff - 0
- 5
Clarification Needed on ORGADMIN Permissions for Collecting Organization Metrics in Snowflake Integration
#23838 opened by edmamerto - 2
DBM documentation YAML configurationn for Helm is invalid
#24699 opened by caramcc - 2
Invalid example on Kubernetes Prometheus and OpenMetrics metrics collection page
#24950 opened by RLProteus - 2
Unclear billing information for APM hosts
#23992 opened by plumdog - 3
Visiting in Firefox results in "This URL matches a known tracker and it would be blocked with Content Blocking enabled"
#22914 opened by marcindulak - 0
Helm chart values are missing
#23355 opened by naruse666 - 2
New Microsoft Teams Connectors not supported.
#22494 opened by taku333 - 0
APM/DBM Python info incorrect
#23166 opened by jstanton617 - 2
Misleading error message with invalid queries
#23070 opened by kevink-sq - 1
Missing a Content-Type header in restriction query code sample
#22646 opened by jmeickle-theaiinstitute - 3
`@Trace` Java annotation needs better docs
#22774 opened by walles - 1
Link to config.go is broken in french documentation
#22390 opened by Anto59290 - 6
Documentation on the integration page is outdated
#21862 opened by EugenKon - 1
Hi @fodibaj, I'm going to close this PR, as its purpose is not clear. Please use a draft PR for any works in progress, and when you're ready to submit a PR for review, include an explanation of your intentions in the PR description. Thank you!
#21734 opened by fodibaj - 4
Document on connecting OpenTelemetry logs and traces for Java/Spring Boot/Logback unclear
#20931 opened by budjb - 0
DBM related documentation customer feedback
#21277 opened by bryant-bourgeois - 3
RUM: Incorrect documentation
#20533 opened by ziquanmiao - 3
NDM: Missing endpoint configuration listing
#20700 opened by linceaerian - 3
Missing required java modules
#20036 opened by Sineaggi - 5
wrong `metrics` entry in the API Doc?
#19928 opened by nekottyo - 2
- 2
Log Status Remapper example is incorrect
#19566 opened by oliviercar0n - 2
Log monitors - Log samples and breaching values toplist
#18922 opened by adillonjc - 2
- 0
Hugo shortcode
#18374 opened by benconda - 2
Add documentation for the network related metrics to the DataDog - MongoDB integration
#17893 opened by sunfranklin - 4
Pulumi documentation for AWS integration
#18331 opened by megacier - 1
Smoothing: Broken link to Stanford ASAP algorithm page
#18434 opened by aaronrl - 2
Application Security, Add User Info Java example wrong
#18103 opened by mksplg - 0
- 1
Suggestion that GitHub webhook events changed to URL links.
#18129 opened by taku333