
Datadog APM Plugin for Kong Gateway

Primary LanguageLuaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Datadog APM Plugin for Kong

This plugin adds Datadog tracing to Kong. It was originally based on the zipkin plugin, although it is now significantly modified for Datadog-specific functionality.


This plugin is compatible with Kong Gateway v2.x and v3.x. The oldest version tested is v2.0.5 and the newest is v3.2.2


This plugin can be installed using luarocks.

luarocks install kong-plugin-ddtrace

After kong is started/restarted, the plugin can be enabled. One example:

# Enabled globally
curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/plugins/ --data 'name=ddtrace'
# Enabled for specific service only
curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/services/example-service/plugins/ --data 'name=ddtrace'

If the datadog agent is not reachable on http://localhost:8126, then you will need to configure this as well.


This plugin supports a number of configuration options. These can be supplied when enabling the plugin by providing additional --data options to the curl request. The option is prefixed by config, eg: to configure the service name, the curl option will be represented as --data 'config.service_name=your-preferred-name'.

Some options can be set using environment variables or vault references.

Agent Host

The hostname or IP that will be used to connect to the agent.

--data 'config.agent_host=your-agent-address'

This value can use vault references. By default, the value of the environment variable DD_AGENT_HOST is used by resolving vault://env/dd-agent-host. When this variable is not set, the default is localhost.

In Kubernetes helm chart deployments of Kong, the value can be passed in using a field reference.

        fieldPath: status.hostIP
    _format_version: "2.1"
      - name: ddtrace
          service_name: kong-ddtrace
          agent_host: "{vault://env/dd-agent-host}"
          environment: 'dev'

Agent URL

The URL that will be used to connect to the agent. The value should not include the trailing / character.

--data 'config.trace_agent_url=http://localhost:8126'

This value can use vault references. By default, the value of the environment variale DD_TRACE_AGENT_URL is used by resolving vault://env/dd-trace-agent-url. When this variable is not set, the default is http://localhost:8126.

Agent Endpoint (deprecated)

The full URL for submitting traces to the agent. It is preferred to use agent_host or trace_agent_url options instead. This option will be deprecated in future releases.

--data config.agent_endpoint=http://localhost:8126/v0.4/traces'

This value can use vault references. The default value is nil.

Service Name

The service name represents the application or component that is producing traces. All traces created by this plugin will use the configured service name.

--data 'config.service_name=your-preferred-name'

This value can use vault references. By default, the value of the environment variale DD_SERVICE is used by resolving vault://env/dd-service. When this variable is not set, the default is kong.


The environment is a larger grouping of related services, such as prod, staging or dev.

--data 'config.environment=prod'

This value can use vault references. By default, the value of the environment variale DD_ENV is used by resolving vault://env/dd-env. When this variable is not set, spans will not have an environment tag.


The version is a user-defined value for tracking a application version, or a versioned combination of applications, configuration, and other assets. This is useful in both static deployments and CI/CD workflows.

--data 'config.version=1234'

This value can use vault references. By default, the value of the environment variale DD_VERSION is used by resolving vault://env/dd-version. When this variable is not set, spans will not have a version tag.

Sampling Controls

Sampling of traces is required in environments with high traffic load to reduce the amount of trace data produced and ingested by Datadog.

By default, sampling rates are provided by the Datadog agent, and additional controls are available if necessary using configuration of initial_sample_rate and initial_samples_per_second.

The initial_sample_rate can be set to a value between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%), and this is limited by the setting for initial_samples_per_second (default: 100). After that amount of sampled traces has been exceeded, traces will not be sampled.

For example with initial_sample_rate=0.1, initial_samples_per_second=5 and a traffic rate of 100 RPS:

  • The first 40-50 requests per second will be sampled at 10% until 5 traces have been sampled
  • The remaining 50-60 requests for that second will not be sampled.

-- data 'config.initial_samples_per_second=100' --data 'config.initial_sample_rate=1.0'

Resource Name Rules

The resource name represents a common access method and resource being used by a service. For Kong, this is typically the HTTP request method, and part of the URI.

By default, the full URI will be used. This can lead to a high number of unique values (cardinality), or exposing IDs and tokens contained in the URI. To avoid this, resource name rules are used to match path of the URI, and replace the resource name with either the matched part or a user-configured replacement value.

The required match field is a regular expression, implicitly anchored to the beginning of the URI value.

The optional replacement field is used to provide an updated value for the resource name.

--data 'config.resource_name_rule[1].match=/api/v1/users'

--data 'config.resource_name_rule[2].match=/api/v1/features/xyz/enabled' --data 'config.resource_name_rule[2].replacement=/api/v1/features/?/enabled'

The first matching rule in a list of rules is used, and any remaining rules are ignored. So if a rule matching /api exists before a more-specific match like /api/v1/users, the /api rule will be used.

Example setup:

--data 'config.resource_name_rule[1].match=/api/v1/users'
--data 'config.resource_name_rule[2].match=/api/v1/features/\w*/enabled' --data 'config.resource_name_rule[2].replacement=/api/v1/features/?/enabled'
--data 'config.resource_name_rule[3].match=/reset_password/' --data 'config.resource_name_rule[3].replacement=PASSWORD_RESET'
--data 'config.resource_name_rule[4].match=/([^/]*)/' --data 'config.resource_name_rule[4].replacement=/$1/?

Example outcomes:

HTTP Method Request URI Matches Rule Final Resource Name
GET /api/v1/users/1234/profile 1 GET /api/v1/users
GET /api/v1/features/abc/enabled 2 GET /api/v1/features/?/enabled
GET /api/v1/features/xyz/enabled 2 GET /api/v1/features/?/enabled
POST /reset_password/D6T6wVRw 3 POST PASSWORD_RESET
GET /static/site.js 4 GET /static/?
GET /favicon.ico none GET /favicon.ico

Tag root span with HTTP Headers (DD_TRACE_HEADER_TAGS)

For security reasons, only a subset of HTTP headers are reported as tags. It is possible to configure the plugin to report specific HTTP Headers as span tags. Nonetheless, be careful on which headers you are deciding to add as a span tag.

Learn more about HTTP header collection

Example setup:

# curl
--data 'config.header_tags[1].header=Ratelimit-Limit' --data 'config.header_tags[1].tag=rate-limit'

# The tag can be omitted, a tag following this format will be used: `http.<request|response>.headers.<http-header-name>`
--data 'config.header_tags[1].header=Ratelimit-Limit'


A plus (+) symbol in regular expressions is often used to match "one-or-more", but when configurig this in a resource name rule, it should be encoded. This is because it overlaps with URL encoding. Without encoding it, the URL encoding performed by curl or Kong will replace a plus with a space character. %2B should be used instead of the + character to avoid this issue.

When configuring a Kong plugin using curl, the --data values should be wrapped in single-quotes to avoid expansion of special characters by the shell.

Additional details about regular expressions can be found in OpenResty documentation for ngx.re.match and ngx.re.sub which are used to apply the resource name rules.


Test Environment

Testing can be performed using pongo. Installation instructions are here.

Prepare the environment:

export DD_API_KEY=... # your API key is required for this test to successfully submit traces from the agent to Datadog.
git clone https://github.com/Datadog/kong-plugin-ddtrace
cd kong-plugin-ddtrace
pongo up
pongo shell

Inside the shell:

# This migration step is only required the first time after running `pongo up`
kong migrations bootstrap

export KONG_PLUGINS=bundled,ddtrace
kong start

# Create a service named example service that handles requests for httpbin.org and routes requests for example.com to that endpoint.
curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/services/ --data 'name=example-service' --data 'url=http://httpbin.org'
curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/services/example-service/routes --data 'hosts[]=example.com'
curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/services/example-service/plugins/ --data 'name=ddtrace' --data 'config.agent_host=datadog-agent'

curl --header 'Host: example.com' http://localhost:8000/headers

This should result in a JSON response from the final curl request, with headers containing x-datadog-trace-id, x-datadog-parent-id and x-datadog-sampling-priority. If the DD_API_KEY was correctly set, then the trace should appear at https://app.datadoghq.com/apm/traces

Built-in Tests

The built-in tests can be executed by running pongo run.

A report for test coverage is produced when run with additional options: pongo run -- --coverage.

Issues and Incomplete features

  • The request span's start time appears incorrect, as it is a rounded-down millisecond value provided by Kong.
  • More details should be collected for errors
  • A high resolution timer option should be added (eg: using clock_gettime instead of ngx.now())

Reporting an issue

When reporting an issue, please provide the following:

  • Version of kong: the output of running kong version
  • Platform: kubernetes, docker, or the specific OS type
  • ddtrace version: the output of running luarocks list kong-plugin-ddtrace
  • Configuration Type: plugin enabled globally or for specific service(s)
  • Configuration Details: output of curl -s http://localhost:8001/plugins/ for globally enabled and curl -s http://localhost:8001/services/example-service/plugins/ for a service specifically named example-service
  • Detailed description of the problem, and if known, the expected behavior.


This plugin is based on the original Zipkin plugin developed and maintained by Kong. It provided the overall architecture and a number of implementation details that were used as-is in this plugin.

The pongo tool was especially helpful in the development of this plugin. It is easy to use, very featureful and is clearly written "by developers, for developers".

For encoding datadog trace information in MessagePack, the Lua module from François Perrad (https://framagit.org/fperrad) was used as the base. Modifications were made to support encoding uint64_t and int64_t values.