
StockData imports daily price data from eoddata.com.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

8.15.2023: StockData is checked into GitHub

Video for how this project was built

Create a Stock Predictor with C# and ML.NET Part I https://youtu.be/hF8LkvwOXQY

Setup Instructions

Update 9.21.2023: If you don't want to rerun the program, you can now download the full database from https://datajuggler.com - click on the Download Tab, and the StockDataDatabaseWithData.zip is available.

  1. Create a SQL Server database named StockData and execute StockDataDatabase.sql located in the SQL folder.
  2. Create a connection string * and set a User level environment variable named StockDataConnString and set the connection string as the value. Your connection string should something like the following: Data Source=(ServerName);Initial Catalog=StockData;Integrated Security=True;Encrypt=False;
  3. Copy the NASDAQ.txt and NYSE.txt files from the ProcessedFolder, to the Documents folder.
  4. If you ever need to rerun the files, repeat step 3 and excecute ResetStocks.sql and ResetAll.sql, which are both located in the SQL folder of this project.
  5. Import Stocks before you process the files.

The site eoddata.com is used to create the NASDAQ.txt and NYSE.txt files. I download the latest two files every night.

  • DataTier.Net, which built the data tier this project uses, comes with a tool called Connection Builder and you will probably think it is wortht the price (of free).

Copied from ExcelerateWinApp

7.24.2023: New Video

The Best C# Excel Library In The Galaxy https://youtu.be/uWXiz52cqlg


StockData is a WinForms app designed to make it easy to load and save Excel objects that were created using

Blazor Excelerate

Code Generate C# Classes From Excel Header Rows

Instructions to run this project:

To Install ExcelerateWinApp via Nuget and DOT NET CLI, navigate to the folder you wish to create your project in

cd c:\Projects\ExcelerateWinApp
dotnet new install DataJuggler.Excelerate
dotnet new DataJuggler.Excelerate

Update 8.24.2023

I perform the following query to find stocks that are no longer listed Change the date to the last date you have data for.

Select * From StockStreak Where CurrentStreak = 1 And StreakEndDate < '2023-08-23'

I also added a stored procedure to delete the stock from the following tables Stock, StockStreak, DailyPriceData

Exec RemoveStock @StockId

How the Stocks were imported

  1. The project has two .xlsx files located in Documents\Stocks of this project. The .xlsx files were created using NASDAQ.com https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/screener The two Excel files were created by saving the .csv for NASDAQ and NYSE in Excel as a .xlsx extension.

The C# classes were code generated from

Blazor Excelerate

Use StockData.Objects for the namespace or rename this project to your liking

  1. Copy the classes created into the Objects folder of StockData (this is already done for this project)

  2. Load Excel Worksheet(s) - Example is included Import Stocks button click event.

    // load your object(s)
    string workbookPath = FileSelector.Text;
    // Example WorksheetInfo objects           
    WorksheetInfo info = new WorksheetInfo();
    info.LoadColumnOptions = LoadColumnOptionsEnum.LoadAllColumnsExceptExcluded;
    info.Path = workbookPath;	
    // Set your SheetName
    info.SheetName = "Address";
    // Example WorksheetInfo objects           
    WorksheetInfo info2 = new WorksheetInfo();
    info2.LoadColumnOptions = LoadColumnOptionsEnum.LoadAllColumnsExceptExcluded;
    info2.Path = workbookPath;
    // Set the SheetName for info2
    info2.SheetName = 'States";
    // Example load Worksheets
    Worksheet addressWorksheet = ExcelDataLoader.LoadWorksheet(workbookPath, info);
    Worksheet statesWorksheet = ExcelDataLoader.LoadWorksheet(workbookPath, info2);
  3. Load your list of objects

     // Examples loading the Address and States sheet from MemberData.xlsx
     List<Address> addresses = Address.Load(addressWorksheet);
     List<States> states = States.Load(statesWorksheet);
  4. Perform updates on your List of objects

    For this example, I inserted a column StateName into the Address sheet in Excel and added a few state names manually. You must add a few entries so the data type can be attempted to be determined. Then I code generated Address and States classes using Blazor Excelerate

    This method set the Address.StateName for each row by looking up the State Name by StateId

    /// <summary>
    /// Lookup the StateName for each Address object by StateId
    /// </summary>
    public void FixStateNames(ref List<Address> addresses, List<States> states)
        // verify both lists exists and have at least one item
        if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(addresses, states))
           // Iterate the collection of Address objects
           foreach (Address address in addresses)
               // get a local copy
               int stateId = address.StateId;
               // set the stateName
               address.StateName = states.Where(x => x.Id == stateId).FirstOrDefault().Name;
               // Increment the value for Graph
               // update the UI every 100
               if (Graph.Value % 100 == 0)
  5. Save your worksheet back to Excel

    // resetup the graph                    
    Graph.Maximum = addresses.Count;
    Graph.Value = 0;
    // change the text
    StatusLabel.Text = "Saving Addresses please wait...";
    // you must convert the list objects to List<IExcelerateObject> before it can be saved
    List<IExcelerateObject> excelerateObjectList = addresses.Cast<IExcelerateObject>().ToList();
    // Now save the worksheet
    SaveWorksheetResponse response = ExcelHelper.SaveWorksheet(excelerateObjectList, addressWorksheet, info, SaveWorksheetCallback, 500);
  6. (Optional) Leave a Star on DataJuggler.Excelerate, Blazor Excelerate or this project on GitHub

    DataJuggler.Excelerate https://github.com/DataJuggler/Excelerate

    Blazor Excelerate https://github.com/DataJuggler/Blazor.Excelerate

    Excelerate Win App https://github.com/DataJuggler/StockData

  7. (Optional) Subscribe to my YouTube channel https://youtube.com/DataJuggler


1.0.5: 7.24.203: Some bug fixes were found when I made this video. The project seems pretty stable.

7.24.2023: New Video

The Best C# Excel Library In The Galaxy https://youtu.be/uWXiz52cqlg

Also, NuGet package DataJuggler.Excelerate was updated with links to this project.

1.0.0 7.23.2023: First Working Version Released