Implementation of our VLDB'22 paper "Zero-Shot Cost Models for Out-of-the-box Learned Cost Prediction"
- Beliefuture
- Cecca
- chxu2000Peking University, Prev. Tongji University
- CSLiuPengBeijing
- CtsapAthena Research Center
- haitianchenUESTC
- hyojeongyunnDS Lab @ POSTECH
- IreneruruColumbia University
- JiTao3
- Lan13University of Science and Technology of China
- LH97
- liang-zibo
- ljqcodeloveiDMG@BUPT
- lroethanDaSE@ECNU, @dase955
- luthramanishaTU Darmstadt
- m90113808
- Nathaniel-HanShanghai, China
- pardon-hnu
- RoHei
- SpycnerHesse
- talphaidze
- ThisislegitUniversity Of Electronic Science And Technology Of China
- twilight218
- wentaowuMicrosoft
- Wind-GoneEast China Normal University
- wuziniu
- xuhuahuang813
- YiBoWang20
- YYYTTT-code
- ztygreat