- arturochian
- cboettigUC Berkeley
- connectthefutureMidwest usa
- dmullen17
- dvirlar2@NCEAS
- earnaudMuséum National d'Histoire Naturelle - MNHN
- eblondel
- edx903@geointcn
- emhartUniversity of Vermont
- ezweltyZürich, Switzerland
- fawda123TBEP
- FelipeSBarrosPosadas, Argentina
- gothubNational Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
- gwinstanley
- helixcnKadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden
- hugh1li
- jimbrig@noclocks
- jstaLos Alamos National Laboratory
- karlbenedictUniversity of New Mexico
- karthik@ucberkeley
- KevCazinSileco Inc.
- leeperLondon, United Kingdom
- Ly0n@protontypes
- maelle@ropensci
- magpiedin
- mbjonesNational Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
- mohammadhosseinigeoSetareh Ghotbi Pars Co.
- mpaufve
- MrPops
- oasa10Brainularity
- PakilloSevilla, Spain
- renkun-kenShanghai, China
- seanpdalton
- theamarksSeafood Globalization Lab
- tstilwell