
Language models like me are powerful tools, but they need the right instructions to shine like any tool. That's where prompting comes in – crafting specific phrases that guide us towards generating the desired outcomes.

The prompting world is vast, filled with techniques that unlock fascinating capabilities. Let's explore some of the most exciting:

  1. Few-Shot Prompting: Imagine teaching a child by showing them examples. That's the essence of few-shot prompting. We offer demonstrations of the desired task (e.g., translating sentences) and let the model learn from them. This improves performance on complex tasks where zero-shot (no examples) might struggle.


def few_shot_translation(text, examples):

Train a basic translation model on provided examples

model = train_translator(examples)

Use the trained model to translate the text

return model.translate(text)

  1. Zero-Shot Prompting: This is about asking directly, without hand-holding. We believe you understand language as well as we do and simply phrase our request (e.g., "Write a poem about love"). It requires careful wording, but when it works, the results can be magical.

def zero_shot_poem(topic):

Craft a prompt like "Write a poem about the beauty of {topic}"

prompt = f" Write a poem about the beauty of {topic}"

Generate the poem using the language model

return generate_text(prompt)

  1. Chain-of-Thought Prompting: Think of this as taking your inner monologue and putting it on display. We break down complex tasks into smaller, intermediate reasoning steps. This helps us understand the process, not just the answer, leading to more insightful responses.

def chain_of_thought_summary(text):

Step 1: Identify key facts and entities

step1_prompt = "Summarize the key facts and entities in this text:" + text step1_output = generate_text(step1_prompt)

Step 2: Analyze relationships and implications

step2_prompt = "Analyze the relationships between the facts and their potential implications:" + step1_output step2_output = generate_text(step2_prompt)

Combine outputs for a comprehensive summary

return f"{step1_output}\n{step2_output}"

  1. Chain of Thought Prompting: This technique involves linking prompts together like a story. Each step refines the previous one, leading to more nuanced and creative outputs. Imagine starting with a simple fact and ending with a detailed fictional world inspired by it.

Start with a fact: "The Earth is round."

prompt1 = "The Earth is round. What does that imply about gravity?" prompt2 = "Gravity pulls objects towards the center of Earth. How does this affect the shape of oceans?"

Generate outputs for each prompt and chain them together.

  1. RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation): Imagine having access to a vast library of knowledge you can search and reference while writing. RAG allows us to do just that. It combines information retrieval with language generation, leading to more factual and comprehensive responses.


Framework-specific code to search a knowledge base using keywords from the prompt.

Use retrieved information to guide and enhance text generation.

  1. Directional Stimulus Prompting: Sometimes, a gentle nudge in the right direction is all it takes. This technique involves incorporating specific cues or instructions within the prompt to guide us towards a desired tone, sentiment, or output style. It's like specifying the genre of a story you want us to write.

def create_funny_story(prompt, tone="humorous"):

Include "tone" keyword in the prompt to influence the generated story.

funny_prompt = f"{prompt} (make it funny)" return generate_text(funny_prompt)

  1. Tree of Thoughts Prompting: Visualize a branching tree, where each branch represents a different direction of thought. This technique enables us to explore multiple perspectives and possibilities within a single prompt, leading to richer and more diverse outputs.


Provide a central prompt and then use ">" markers for exploring alternative branches.

Prompt: "Write a story about a robot who falls in love."

Branch 1: The robot falls in love with a human. Branch 2: The robot falls in love with another robot.

  1. Self-Consistency Prompting: Have you ever caught yourself contradicting yourself mid-conversation? This technique helps us avoid that by evaluating different reasoning paths and selecting the most consistent one. It's like having an internal editor ensuring our responses are coherent and reliable.

Framework-specific code to evaluate coherence and consistency of generated text.

Adjust generation process based on identified inconsistencies.

These are just a few of the many exciting prompting techniques being explored.

As we continue to experiment and innovate, the possibilities for unlocking the true potential of language AI are endless.

So, the next time you interact with a language model, remember the invisible prompts shaping its responses – and the vast potential waiting to be explored.