Buttons is an extension for DataTables that adds control buttons to the table.
- 11
HTML5 buttons not working with latest versions.
#207 opened by alpozgur - 2
Using a function for a column-selector in exportOptions/columns broken in 3.0.1
#201 opened by scoldwell - 3
DataTables 2.0 layout Support
#199 opened by Dresdn - 4
type is not a function
#198 opened by joao-saraiva - 1
- 2
Export Loading Option
#158 opened by jnreynoso - 6
- 5
Add multiple render types for export
#129 opened by Jamstah - 6
- 2
Active/open class on collection
#156 opened by GillesVermeulen - 4
Bug with collections without background: re-clicking the trigger button immediatly closes the collection again
#155 opened by GillesVermeulen - 2
stripHtml not working properly on individual column searching with select inputs
#163 opened by simaosoares - 1
Popover from "colvis" outside window
#168 opened by kirilmitev - 3
- 2
- 2
Excel export $ sign alignment
#188 opened by nathancassano - 7
Export Excel with enable CSP
#194 opened by petrenkonik - 4 no longer exists
#193 opened by lordterrin - 2
I found a bug
#180 opened by ahmadullahnikzad - 1 might return null
#184 opened by dtsamitros - 5
218 Character Excel File Name Length Limit
#192 opened by mgersten - 8
Can't get right-aligned colvis dropdown
#140 opened by miken32 - 2
npm package: Bulma JS is missing
#187 opened by sommer-gei - 12
TypeError: k[l].trim is not a function
#182 opened by halali - 6
- 0
#178 opened by ahmadullahnikzad - 0
#179 opened by ahmadullahnikzad - 2
- 4
- 10
composer error
#172 opened by Theolodewijk - 1
Unknown variable m_ake ?
#171 opened by fjf2002 - 4
- 2
- 1
Change the style of one button
#161 opened by bettinz - 1
Repair autoFilter, false option not work
#160 opened by ilysamo - 5
Add flashExport.swf
#152 opened by worthy7 - 2
Flash buttons broken
#153 opened by worthy7 - 8
excel export broken in IE
#151 opened by worthy7 - 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
chrome, opera browsers print reopen issue
#139 opened - 5
Accessibility: Collections don't work without CSS
#130 opened by Jamstah - 1
How can I add a list of button actions to each row that will not be included in the file exports.
#135 opened by jayzyaj - 3
Flash buttons don't work unless online
#134 opened by worthy7 - 0
- 1
Documentation correction
#127 opened by mguinness - 1
- 1
how to enable pdf Button
#125 opened by hemnath11