Fix one or more columns in place on a scrolling DataTable
- 2
Something wrong with latest release 4.0.0
#86 opened by msxavi - 7
- 1
Column Filter values are lost when Fixed Column and Scroll Resize executes relayout()
#83 opened by bailinhuang-mw - 1
Rounded heights create gaps
#81 opened by beam2web - 5
Fixed columns can be scrolled independently
#75 opened by frzsombor - 2
For rtl tables wrong side is being padded
#74 opened by all43 - 2
Footer Values not accessable by id
#73 opened by finnsea - 4
- 7
Columns() and header() to prevent sort on header input select focus no longer works
#52 opened by Jrizzi1 - 5
- 5
DataTable 1.11.3+FixedColumns 4.0.1 issue:fixedColumns(...).relayout is not a function
#88 opened by alexwenbj - 1
- 2
- 1
Add support for PHP 7.3
#79 opened by chrislow - 1
- 1
Misalignment when scrolled to the bottom
#44 opened by rgavrilov - 2
- 12
- 2
Columns 1px displacement
#67 opened by acarva - 5
Fixed column scrollbar showing
#59 opened by tclindner - 1
Extra cell visible in IE9
#66 opened - 6
IE9+scrollbars : fixed column have large height
#54 opened by kzmi - 3
Zero result and still seeing leftWrapper bordered
#62 opened by ro7584 - 2
Remove "id" from cloned elements
#63 opened by iamkumaranca - 1
- 5
Some callbacks/functions stop delivering properly
#65 opened by s0By - 2
- 0
- 11
Header issue with borderless Bootstrap table
#57 opened by mweirauch - 4
- 3
- 4
Problem in cloning form the master table
#50 opened by uguryildirim - 8
fixed columns working wrongly with rtl table
#48 opened by dineshrb - 2
- 8
- 4
FixedColumns not working with bootstrap accordion
#47 opened by ddeath - 1
- 5
tbody problem in ie8
#30 opened by psk11 - 5
- 3
3.0.5 release?
#46 opened by samccone - 7
processing div being clipped
#38 opened by Jrizzi1 - 3
Respecting rowspans in the fixed column
#41 opened by csweaver - 3
Best practice on adding inputs/filters to table headers when working with fixed columns?
#40 opened by vedmack - 3
Problem with the header width
#35 opened by santigarcor - 3
Unwanted scrollbar on IE11 and offset on Chrome
#25 opened by Misiu - 2
Fixed Columns breaks in IE9
#28 opened by arunsasi - 4
scrollbar is wider than x-scrollable area
#26 opened by croensch - 1
Colvis & Fixed columns(from the right side only).
#34 opened by omerman - 5
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