- 1
Table is not rendering all records.
#97 opened by manishkotta - 17
- 1
InfoFiltered hidden when filtering
#96 opened by BiomanRouge - 8
- 1
Scroller wrong `types` and no `module` field
#94 opened by sadeghbarati - 1
- 6
Problem With Padding in header...
#87 opened by DOUADYtom - 0
- 1
- 1
- 7
The "stateSave" option doesn't work
#80 opened by cataragak90 - 6
- 13
Scroller not working with more than 30k rows
#77 opened by damv92 - 4
Scroller + export buttons = partial data dump
#81 opened by karlg100 - 4
- 0
Push 1.4.4 version on bower repository
#78 opened by fbaligand - 1
Scroller, Responsive and scrollCollapse
#66 opened - 1
Binding scroller with mCustomScrollbar()
#70 opened by wwwizzarrdry - 2
- 2
- 1
Install with composer
#71 opened by xmon - 3
<object> tag in IE
#74 opened by mmuruev - 4
Scroller does not work with i18n
#67 opened by yihui - 2
Header row doesn't adjust
#65 opened by MollyWing - 1
deferLoading 'ignored' when using Scroller
#63 opened by jbrichau - 0
hover styling not working with Scroller
#52 opened by andreasbenzing - 2
License info in bower.json
#51 opened by ricardobarone - 9
no server side scroll if table not visible in init
#43 opened by nyuszis - 1
Disable Length Menu
#55 opened by joekeen - 1
Unavaible under npm
#31 opened by randrianov - 1
No horizontal scrolling in header cols
#59 opened by heannig - 3
Lock scroller when child rows are shown
#58 opened by prog8 - 5
- 2
- 2
Scrolling with Page up / Page down stops working intermittently after a redraw
#47 opened by jmcphers - 1
- 1
- 9
Multiple Ajax Requests ServerSide
#45 opened by amanique - 8
- 2
- 2
- 1
Feature request: get data in fixed size pages
#39 opened by larvanitis - 1
Problem with scroller + swidth using json
#35 opened by m4urer - 6
- 9
fnScrollToRow seems wonky
#30 opened by existentialism - 5
Scroller without fixed height
#32 opened by nesl247 - 5
Invalid AMD module identifier
#21 opened by janekbettinger - 1
- 1
Viewport height never gets updated
#27 opened by existentialism - 1