[psql] not cleaning with same database, different schemas
junhanamaki opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi. I've been having trouble with making database cleaner work when trying to delete data from different psql schemas, but in the same database.
test: &test
adapter: postgresql
database: test_project
host: localhost
port: 6432
user: postgres
<<: *test
schema_search_path: non_public
What I did in spec_helper:
config.before(:suite) do
DatabaseCleaner.clean_with :deletion
DatabaseCleaner[:active_record, connection: :test_non_public].clean_with :deletion
From what I understand it happens because of this code:
def lookup_from_connection_pool
if ::ActiveRecord::Base.respond_to?(:descendants)
database_name = connection_hash["database"] || connection_hash[:database]
models = ::ActiveRecord::Base.descendants
models.detect { |m| m.connection_pool.spec.config[:database] == database_name }
This method is invoked from connection_class, and because both connection "test" and "test_non_public" are configured to connect to the same database it ends up returning a model with an incorrect connection. This could be solved (I think) by adding one more condition, so that besides checking for the database_name it also checks for the schema_search_path.
While writing this issue I ended up editing the code as follows and it worked:
def lookup_from_connection_pool
if ::ActiveRecord::Base.respond_to?(:descendants)
database_name = connection_hash["database"] || connection_hash[:database]
schema_search_path = connection_hash["schema_search_path"] || connection_hash[:schema_search_path]
models = ::ActiveRecord::Base.descendants
models.detect do |m|
m.connection_pool.spec.config[:database] == database_name &&
m.connection_pool.spec.config[:schema_search_path] == schema_search_path
Does it look like a good fix? If not how should I approach this problem so that I can solve this issue?
👍 I'm seeing this as well with a similar configuration of connecting to MySQL but with multiple databases on the same server. A "normal" model that should connect to the default configured under the "test" key is switching to the non-default "other_test" connection.
Bump? I'm seeing this as well
Is there any chance of this being prioritised please? My app has a number of extra schemas specified in schema_search_path
and database cleaner cleans them properly in database_cleaner (1.99.0)
but not the modern configuration of database_cleaner-active_record (2.1.0)
+ database_cleaner-core (~> 2.0.0)
(from Gemfile.lock