Strategies for cleaning databases using ActiveRecord. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.
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Parallelized truncates
#116 opened by florrain - 0
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Cleaning does not occur on subsequent specs when there are two databases and shared examples
#110 opened by coderberry - 0
CI is not being executed against Rails 7.1 stable (and probably 7.1 compatibility is broken on main)
#106 opened by tagliala - 0
[FIX] Make more meaningful methods name
#95 opened by maniSHarma7575 - 17
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PostgreSQL truncation is broken on 2.0.1
#62 opened by GoktugOzturk - 1
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Unable to load application: LoadError: cannot load such file -- database_cleaner/active_record
#92 opened by anaProdigy - 4
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edge rails (future 7.1) no longer has ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.table_name
#83 opened by jrochkind - 3
v2.0.1 is throwing deprecation warning for using #tables instead of #data_sources
#84 opened by EduardoRSeifert - 2
Broken with Rails 7.1
#81 opened by mathieujobin - 1
database cleaner breaks .reload in some cases?
#11 opened by Hampei - 3
Where's the changelog?
#66 opened by alistairholt - 11
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Cleaning fails with PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column "increment_by" does not exist
#72 opened by jamesbebbington - 0 -> invalid ruby syntax
#70 opened by waghanza - 1
Delete cascade
#68 opened by SampsonCrowley - 3
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Rails 6 with database_cleaner-active_record ~>1.8 wipe all tables even with except
#44 opened by bf39l - 2
Truncation failure with CockroachDB
#54 opened by agaffney - 12
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Rails 6.1.1 undefined method `spec' error
#48 opened by kuchick - 2
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Monkeypatching ActiveRecord code is excessive!
#33 opened by botandrose - 1
Versions before 1.8.0?
#45 opened by joelmichael - 13
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Rails 6 Multiple Databases Clarification
#42 opened by scottrobertson - 2
Can we test other databases?
#34 opened by botandrose - 1
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: This connection is in use by: #<Thread
#16 opened by reidcooper - 3
Exclude SQLite views from tables_to_truncate
#9 opened by aosq - 1
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Truncation takes longer and longer
#20 opened by georgeu2000 - 3
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Truncate failing for different adapters
#14 opened by railsmith - 0
Test actions wrapped in transaction with Hanami
#12 opened by rybex - 3
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Deletion strategy reset ids sequence
#7 opened by konalegi - 1
Postgres 9.6.16 deadlocks during cleaning
#5 opened by patrobinson - 15
Could not find gem 'database_cleaner-active_record' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile or available on this machine.
#1 opened by krtschmr