
Talk to AI modes in terminal. Bard|GPT3.5|Llama2

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Talk to AI modes in terminal.



Download binary file then type:


Command list

Command Operation
. Select AI mode of Bard/ChatGPT/Claude2/Llama2/Falcon180
Previous input
Next input
<< Start multiple lines input mode
>> End multiple lines input mode
j Scroll down
k Scroll up
f Page down
p Page up
g Scroll to top
G Scroll to bottom
q or Enter Back to conversation
.v Mini vi to edit quest, :ai send, :q cancel
.c or .clear Clear the screen
.h or .history Show history of conversations
.r or .restart Re-start AI model
.proxy Set proxy, for example: socks5://
.help Show help
.exit Exit Aih



  • Close Chrome browser before run Aih at the first time.
  • More usage of command Liner.
  • More usage of mini vi.
  • Answer will be auotmatically saved in system clipboard for pasting.
  • Conversations were persisted in history.txt beside Aih binary.
  • ./aih -rod=show to monitor in browser.
  • All-In-One mode will display answers from all the AI modes.


Supported OS

  • Mac/Linux/Windows


$ git clone https://github.com/Databingo/aih
$ go clean -cache && go clean -modcache 
$ cd aih/ryy && go mod tidy && go build -o ../vi && cd ..
$ go mod tidy && go build -tags vi


  • github.com/rivo/tview
  • github.com/peterh/liner
  • github.com/gdamore/tcell/v2
  • github.com/atotto/clipboard
  • github.com/go-rod/rod
  • github.com/go-rod/stealth
  • github.com/tidwall/gjson
  • github.com/tidwall/sjson
  • github.com/manifoldco/promptui
  • github.com/sashabaranov/go-openai
  • github.com/kiasaki/ry


  • x for disable certain AI mode.
  • Change deamon mode to minimal browser mode for passing bot checking of ChatGPT.


MIT and "You can choose not to include this MIT license into your copies".