
Primary LanguageCommon Lisp


Nock/urbit runtime in Common Lisp.


This is intended as a reference implementation for @frodwith's latest iteration of the jet dashboard. Along the way, it will produce a couple of usable artifacts, including:

  • a hoon REPL
  • a replacement urbit-worker process

Currently a toy demo of the hoon REPL is available. Many jets are not yet implemented, but we can boot an ivory pill, compile simple programs, and pretty-print the results.

Hoon REPL Installation

  1. Install SBCL.
  2. Install Quicklisp.
  3. Add this repo to Quicklisp's local projects.
cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects
git clone http://github.com/frodwith/cl-urbit.git
  1. Get an ivory pill.
curl -Lo /tmp/ivory.pill https://github.com/urbit/urbit/raw/master/bin/ivory.pill
  1. With Quicklisp loaded in SBCL:
(ql:quickload :cl-urbit)
(urbit/hoon/ivory:save-hoon-and-die #P"/tmp/hoon" #P"/tmp/ivory.pill")

This will print a few things and leave a hoon executable at /tmp/hoon.

Hoon REPL Usage

Launching with no arguments or the --repl option gives you a REPL with the ivory pill as the subject. Each line will be compiled and its result pretty printed. Use rlwrap or similar to get line-editing, etc.

Arguments are treated as hoon source filenames. The files are conceptually =~'d together, i.e.

hoon one.hoon two.hoon --repl

makes a subject of


and plunks you down at a repl. If you don't give the --repl argument but do give some hoon files, the product of the last one will be pretty-printed.


Copyright (c) 2020 Paul Driver

Licensed under the MIT License.