
A vendor plugin for Saber that allows webmasters to stress test their web server.

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Stress Test

A vendor plugin for Saber that allows webmasters to stress test their web server.



For Visual Studio Users

  • Clone this repository inside your Saber project within /App/Vendors/ and name the folder StressTest

    NOTE: use git clone instead of git submodule add since the contents of the Vendor folder is ignored by git

  • Run gulp vendors from the root of your Saber project folder

For DevOps Users

While using the latest release of Saber, do the following:

  • Download latest release of Saber.Vendors.StressTest
  • Extract all files & folders from either the win-x64 or linux-x64 zip folder to Saber's /Vendors/ folder


  • run command ./publish.bat
  • publish bin/Publish/StressTest.7z as latest release