
It is an automated software which will generate the Railway Station Announcement in Hindi, English and Gujarati by maintaining a database of required information in an excel sheet.

Primary LanguagePython


Prerequisite: The prerequisite of this project is the basic knowledge of python.

How it works and get the output?

  • For creating railway announcement software, we will be using a bunch of modules like pyaudio, pydub, and gTTS to process audio and get the announcing status of thousands of trains. By using PyAudio module, we can easily use Python to play and record audio on a variety of platforms. Pydub is a simple and well-designed Python module for audio manipulation and gTTS (which stands for Google Text-to-Speech) is a Python library and CLI tool to interface with Google Translate text-to-speech API.

  • In which we are adding the train name , train no. , platform no.,etc into the announcement.xlsx and this excel file pass into the main.py file and this python code is generate the announcement for each and every train which are present in the announcement.xlsx file.

  • After successfully Running this main.py python script it generate the all train's audio file inform of announcement_Train-no.mp3 (Audio) files.

Installation ⚙️:


  • Python >= 3.6
  • pyaudio == 0.2.13
  • pydub == 0.25.1
  • gTTS == 2.3.2
  • ⚠️ : If in above any dependacies is not install in your machine so try to directly download the .whl file of dependancies and then try it.

Installing Dependancies!

  1. Installing the pyaudio,pydub,gTTS
pip install pyaudio==0.2.13
pip install pydub==0.25.1
pip install gTTS==2.3.2
  1. Run Main Script.
python <path/to>main.py


In this project we are generating the audio file for each and every train immediately, so we are require less time for generating the speech for the train.

⚠️ Note :

In Which take care of our .mp3 file is may not be corrupted.Because if MP3 file is corrupted so our main.py file through an error and code not work properly so take care about that things.