
Introduction to Pandas, Scikit-Learn and Keras

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

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Python Libraries for Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Presented at Pybay 2017 Pre-conference workshop


Introduction to Pandas, Scikit-Learn and Keras

Get started guide

Clone this repository on your local computer

git clone https://github.com/Dataweekends/python_libraries_for_ml_and_dl.git

Download and Install Miniconda Python 3.6


Change to course folder

cd python_libraries_for_ml_and_dl

Create the course environment

conda env create

wait for the environment to create.

Activate the environment (Mac/Linux)

source activate intromldl

Activate the environment (Windows)

activate intromldl

Check that your prompt changed to

(intromldl) $

Launch Jupyter Notebook

jupyter notebook

Open your browser to


You are good to go! Enjoy!

Want more?


If you get an error saying:

InvocationException: GraphViz's executables not found

you need to install Graphviz. Find here the right version for your system: http://www.graphviz.org/