
Hands-on Introduction to Machine Learning with Python, Pandas, Matplotlib and Scikit-Learn

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TDWI Intro to Machine Learning

Hands-on Introduction to Machine Learning with Python, Pandas, Matplotlib and Scikit-Learn

Quick start guide

Download and Install Anaconda Python 3.7

The first step is to download and install Python 3 on your system, together with all the necessary libraries. Luckily for us Anaconda provides a convenient way to do so. Just download and install it here:


Next we are going to download the code and access the notebooks. The following commands should be run from a terminal.

Clone this repository on your local computer

git clone https://github.com/Dataweekends/tdwi_intro_ml_one_day.git

TIP: If you are not familiar with git and github you can just download the most recent release file from the releases tab and unpack the zip file on your computer.

Change to course folder

cd tdwi_intro_ml_one_day

TIP: If you downloaded the zip file and not the repo, your folder name will be tdwi_intro_ml_one_day_master, just cd into that one: cd tdwi_intro_ml_one_day_master

Launch Jupyter Notebook

From the course folder, in the terminal, type:

jupyter notebook

If the command is not recognized try to close and open the terminal again, maybe the path needs to be updated after installation.

TIP: You can also launch Jupyter using the Anaconda Launcher. This will open Jupyter at your default Home location and you will have to manually navigate to the course folder.

Open your browser to

If it didn't open automatically, you can find Jupyter at the following url:


You are good to go! Enjoy!

Instructions for Conda environment creation

The following is not necessary if you have a recent version of Anaconda installed on your computer. If you want to create a virtual environment specifically for this tutorial, we provide an environment configuration file. From the terminal follow these steps:

Change to course folder

cd tdwi_intro_ml_one_day

Create the course environment

conda env create

wait for the environment to create, this may take a few minutes

Activate the environment (Mac/Linux)

conda activate tdwi

Activate the environment (Windows)

activate tdwi

Check that your prompt changed to

(tdwi) $

Now you can run jupyter notebook from within the environment.


Updating Conda

If you have installed Anaconda a long time ago, you may want to update it by running

conda update conda

and then

conda update anaconda