
Automatic Ansible script for server deployment

Primary LanguageJinja

Ansible Hub

Ansible is an open-source automation tool for provisioning, configuration management, and application-deployment used to enable infrastructure as code that you install on a control node (work computer, python virtual environment, virtual machine, etc...) and from that control node, Ansible manages machines and other devices remotely (by default, over the SSH protocol)

This is Datawheel's Ansible Hub created to share the most used tasks for the provisioning and configuration of our new server instances

DEVOPS TEAM: To add a new role or modify an existing one, please open an issue or make a pull request and tag another member of the DevOps team so we can review it together an add it to this repository

Installing Ansible

via pip

To install Ansible with pip we need to execute the following command:

python -m pip install --user ansible

If you wish to install it globally just run:

sudo python get-pip.py
sudo python -m pip install ansible

If you don't have pip installed on the control node, please follow the official documentation

for MacOS, Windows and supported Linux distros

Please follow the official Ansible installation docs


A module is a reusable, standalone script that Ansible runs on your behalf, either locally or remotely. Modules interact with your local machine, an API, or a remote system to perform specific tasks like changing a database password or spinning up a cloud instance. In the 2.9 version, Modules where moved from the core Ansible repository into collections. The documentation for modules can be found in collections pages.

To install the modules required by the roles included in this repository, it is necessary to run the following command:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

If you need to add more modules when adding a new role, please use this nomenclature


For more available roles, please check ansible-galaxy


Execute script

ansible-playbook -i hosts/hosts 

Environment Variables

We use environment variables to reuse the same playbooks for different instances.

used on all




# clickhouse variables


# postgresql variables

How to Use It

Initial Server Setup

We need to prepare each environment with a basic playbook provisioner (working on debian/ubuntu and centos) that needs to be executed before any specific project playbook so we can start our instances with all the minimum required dependencies ready on the respective machines

For that, we need to run the following command:

# if we are connecting through ssh keys
ansible-playbook --inventory=<SERVER_IP_1>,<SERVER_IP_2>,... playbooks/initial-server-setup.yml

# if we are connecting through ssh user and password
ansible-playbook --ask-pass --ask-become-pass --inventory=<SERVER_IP_1>,<SERVER_IP_2>,... playbooks/initial-server-setup.yml

Note: See that, even if you are going to run the playbook on one server, you need to keep the ',' after the server

Specific Playbooks

We have created a series of playbooks with the most used configuration of our servers so you can replicate them in any server (virtual machine, bare metal, etc...) that we require to deploy

Each playbook have a vars/<PLAYBOOK_NAME>.yml file with all the default configurations that we use for that specific set of instructions. If you wanna change any of those variables, just create a file on your environment in a folder named custom-vars inside the root of this repo and add all your custom configurations there. We will also use specific env variables per project, for that, please storage them on custom-env

Backend Instance with python, bamboo, clickhouse and nginx

For that, we need to run the following command:

# if we are connecting through ssh keys
ansible-playbook --inventory=<SERVER_IP_1>,<SERVER_IP_2>,... playbooks/backend-instance-clickhouse.yml

# if we are connecting through ssh user and password
ansible-playbook --ask-pass --ask-become-pass --inventory=<SERVER_IP_1>,<SERVER_IP_2>,... playbooks/backend-instance-clickhouse.yml

If you need to use any custom variables, please add them with the --extra-vars=@./custom-vars/<CUSTOM_VARIABLES>.yml flag on the command above