
The missing piece for all your data processing needs.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple framework to quickly compose and use multiple functionalities as endpoints.


This package is available in PyPI under the name logiclayer. You can use pip or poetry to use it in your project:

pip install logiclayer


Check the directions in the PACKAGE.md file.

Development environment

To manage its dependencies, this project uses poetry. The pyproject.toml file contains all the needed dependencies an devDependencies needed. To install just run:

$ poetry install

Use with VSCode + Pylance

If you intend to use Visual Studio Code to work on this project, make sure poetry creates the virtual environment within the project folder, so VSCode can find the virtual environment. To use this mode run before the install command:

$ poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true

Development guidelines

Please read the design docs before doing contributions.


© 2022 Datawheel, LLC.
This project is licensed under MIT.