NextJS 13 Template

This is a NextJS template for projects using Mantine components with SSR support. It implements linter checks through GitHub Actions, and NextSEO for Search Engine Optimization. To start using this template, just create a new repository from this template and start coding 🎉

npm run dev

If you need to implement language translations on your site, create your repository from the nextjs-13-no-typescript-dependencies-translations branch.


Use of local environments

If you are using node directly to develop, please recall your typical .env file to .env.local. For this, use .env as a guide

Using Docker to Develop

  1. Install Docker on your machine
  2. Build your container with:
  • NO ENV VARS AT BUILDTIME: docker build -t <PROJECT_NAME>-nextjs-site .
  • WITH ENV VARS AT BUILDTIME: docker build --build-arg <ENV_NAME>=<ENV_VALUE> -t <PROJECT_NAME>-nextjs-site .
  1. Run your container:
  • NO ENV VARS AT RUNTIME: docker run -p 3000:3000 <PROJECT_NAME>-nextjs-site
  • WITH ENV VARS AT RUNTIME: docker run --env-file=./.env.local -p 3000:3000 <PROJECT_NAME>-nextjs-site
