
A matlab plugin for the datax LaTeX package[ctan].

Allows data to be saved in a form easily accessible from LaTeX.

Code example


a = 24.35;
b = 2;
c = 7.44;
d = 12;




The measured distance was \(a = \datax{a}\).


This package is available in the MATLAB add-on explorer.

View LaTeXDatax on File Exchange

To do

  • I would love to plug this into the symunit framework, but the authors have made that very difficult. What I would need is a way to extract power, prefix and name of each unit in a compound unit. This seems theoretically possible - use findUnits to get the involved units, check them for SI prefixes (they are unfortunately not all single characters), use log(x)/log(findunits(x)) (or possibly necessarilly check findunits(x/units(k)^m) for m = [1,-1,2,-2,3,-3...]) to find the power, and convert from mg to \milli\gram via lookup table. This is all super painful, because the toolbox is missing some basic functionality.