
A delightful Go to Javascript compiler

Primary LanguageGo

joy compiler

Translate idiomatic Go into concise Javascript that works in every browser. Use Go's type system and world-class tooling to build large web applications with confidence.

Visit mat.tm/joy to learn more about Joy.

Getting Started     ·    Examples     ·    Using the CLI

Joy API    ·    DOM API    ·    Virtual DOM API

Contributing    ·    FAQ    ·    More Links

Getting Started

1. Install Joy:

curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matthewmueller/joy/master/install.sh | sh

Note: you can also download from the releases tab.

2. Create a main.go file with the following code:

package main

func main() {
  println("hi world!")

3. Run the code in a real browser:

joy run main.go

4. See the compiled Javascript:

joy main.go


Visit https://mat.tm/joy/#examples or peruse the test suite.

Using the CLI

Compile Go into Javascript:

joy <main.go>

Compile and run the Go code in headless chrome:

joy run <main.go>

Build a development version of the code:

joy build --dev <main.go>...

Build a production version of the code (coming soon!):

joy build <main.go>...

Start a development server with livereload:

joy serve <main.go>...

Run joy help for additional details.


So happy to hear you're interested in contributing! Here's a quick rundown of how to get setup:


  1. Make sure you have the Go environment setup on your computer. There are quite a few better resources online on how to do that

  2. go get -u -v github.com/matthewmueller/joy/... to install the compiler from source

  3. go test -v to run all the tests

Links and tips:

If you have any further questions, open an issue or reach out to me on twitter.


Visit https://mat.tm/joy/#faq to view the FAQ.

More Links

  • Run joy help to see what else Joy can do for you
  • Visit mat.tm/joy to read more about Joy's origins
  • Chat with us in #joy-compiler on Slack at gophers.slack.com
  • Star github.com/matthewmueller/joy to follow the development
  • Follow twitter.com/mattmueller for project updates