Please take 5-10 minutes and try one of the exercise which you want to master it.
back-up your projects by creating a copy of your directory with all the files and copy to back-up dir; reset enviroment
#backup project
mkdir project
mkdir backup
cd project
touch file_1.txt
echo "#test 1" > file_1.txt
cat file_1.txt
echo "#test 2" > file_2.txt
cat file_2.txt
cd ..
cp -R project backup
cd backup
cd project
cd ../../
#clean up
rm -rf backup
rm -rf project
Create a project dir and create a git project. Create 2 branches : master , develop. Create a new branch respecting GIT FLOW aproach . The new branch is copy of develop and the name is feature/TICKER-NO-Component. Create a new file and add some modifications to it. Commit all the changes to the branch feature/TICKER-NO-Component . Merge the branch with develop branch (solve the conflicts in case) . Delete the branch feature/TICKER-NO-Component; reset enviroment
#create project
mkdir git_project
cd git_project
git init
git checkout develop
git checkout feature/ticket-number-my-Component
echo "my first code" > file_1.txt
git add file_1.txt
git status
git commit -m "add Component"
git checkout develop
git merge checkout feature/ticket-number-my-Component
git branch
git branch -D feature/ticket-number-my-Component
git branch
#clean project
cd ..
rm -rf git_project
Open Favorite IDE ( WebStorm, Visual Studio Code, Atom, SublimeText3) and practice commands from the keybords (define shortcuts for it):
- open terminal in IDE
- hide panel with root project (tree structure)
- Open a javascript file (not empty)
- duplicate line
- delete entire line
- save file
- search and replace
VISUAL STUDIO CODE: import shorcuts from Intellij Idea
use terminal and install 5 packages; requirement: Nodejs installed; [install Nodejs] (
#create project
mkdir npm_kata
cd npm_kata
# working with npm
npm init
npm install yarn
npm install npx
npm install np
npm install npm-name-cli
# debugging
npm install ndb
npm install node-inspector
# general utilities
npm install tldr
npm install now
npm install spoof
npm install fkill-cli
npm install castnow
npm install github-is-starred-cli
npm install vtop
# react
npm install create-react-app
npm install create-react-library
npm install react-native-cli
# linting
npm install eslint
npm install babel-eslint
npm install eslint-config-standard
npm install eslint-config-standard-react
npm install eslint-config-standard-jsx
npm install eslint-plugin-react
npm install eslint-config-prettier
npm install eslint-plugin-prettier
npm install prettier
npm install standard
npm install typescript
#clean project
cd ..
rm -rf npm_kata
Create a file package.json with a basic scheleton; define a command script for testing JS files; Run the scripts in the console. links: "how to create npm scripts"
#create project
mkdir npm_project
cd npm_project
npm init
npm i http-server
define script alias "server" in package.json to run a command for the http-server module with port 3000
#clean project
cd ..
rm -rf npm_project
npm init