
Upload videos , images and other files(pdf, doc,..) using MultiPart class Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Language: Swift 5 License

Upload videos , images and other files(pdf, doc,..) using MultiPart class Swift 4

For Objective C :- DPMultiPartObjC

Add Manually

Download Project and copy-paste MultiPart.swift file into your project

How to use

        let filePath = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "test", withExtension: "jpg")?.path
        let dicParameetrs = ["a_id": "1", "name": "Datt"]
        let arrFiles = [
            [MultiPart.fieldName: "images[]",/*(if only 1 file upload don't use [])*/
             MultiPart.pathURLs: [filePath, filePath]],
            [MultiPart.fieldName: "video",
             MultiPart.pathURLs: ["/Users/xyz/.../abc.mp4"]],
            [MultiPart.fieldName: "pdf[]",
             MultiPart.pathURLs: ["/Users/xyz/.../xyz.pdf", "/Users/xyz/.../h.pdf"]]
        // With JSON Object
        MultiPart().callPostWebService("http://www.xyz.com/../..", parameetrs: dicParameetrs, filePathArr: arrFiles) { (dic, error) in
            if (error == nil) {
                print(error ?? "")
        // With Model Object
        MultiPart().callPostWSWithModel("http://www.xyz.com/../..", parameters: dicParameetrs, filePathArr: arrFiles, model: LoginModel.self) {
            result in
            switch result {
            case .success(let response):
            case .failure(let failureResponse):
                print(failureResponse.message ?? "")
            case .error(let e):
                print(e ?? "")