CPU | i7-8565U |
GPU | intel UHD 620 |
SSD | 512 GB NVME.m2 |
RAM | 8GB |
Ethernet | Realtek RTL 8111 |
Wifi Adapter | Qualcomm Atheros |
Bluetooth | LiteOn Bluetooth (Atheros Drivers) |
Trackpad | Synaptics Trackpad |
- Internal Audio and Headphone Jack
- iGPU (Does not have a discrete GPU)
- Battery Management
- Ethernet
- Display Brightness and control with Keys
- Sleep
- USB2.0 ports, USB3 ports,
- Webcam
- Trackpad with multi finger gestures
- iMessages and FaceTime
- Bluetooth (Works and connects, but can't turn off ie Bluetooth power management doesn't work)
This guide will help you from the start to the end : Dortania Gitbook
Generating Serial Number : GenSMBIOS from Corpnewt GenSMBIOS
Cross checking config.plist : Sanity Checker
Further Help on Discord : Discord Server
- Acidanthera for kexts, Opencore and everything.
- Dortania for the neat and detailed installation instructions.
- CorpNewt for ProperTree, SSDTTime, GenSMBIOS
- alexandred for VoodooI2C for trackpad related stuff.
- A few People on the discord server
- To anyone else whose work I might have used.