Symfony2 cheat sheets

Contribution notes

Contributing is fairly easy, all you need to know is some basic html tags. Every page starts with h1 tag - header of the page, all present h2 tags automatically included into sub navigation bar. Example of a page:

<h1>Sensio Framework Extra Bundle</h1>


        <th>Class level</th>
        <th>Action level</th>
        <td>Regular expression requirements for route parameters.</td>
<script type="php">
 * @Route("/{id}", requirements={"id" = "\d+"}, defaults={"foo" = "bar"})
public function showAction($id)

If you created a new page, add a link pointing to it in the menu.html file, e.g. <li><a href="#components/form.html">Form</a></li> (each section has its own menu.html file).


To create a popup use a data-content attribute:

<a href=""
   data-content="<strong>type</strong>: <code>bool</code> <strong>default</strong>: <code>true</code>. If set to <code>true</code>, the field will always render blank, even if the corresponding field has a value.">

Code above represented as:



All code samples should be for the latest stable Symfony version (2.1 considered as stable since it will be released soon).

Inline example

Inline examples should be wrapped in code tags: <code>{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') %} ...</code>. 'less-than' sign have to be replaced by the HTML escape entity &lt;: <code>&lt;a href="{{ url('_welcome') }}">Home&lt;/a></code>.

It's displayed as:

Inline example

Example in a modal

Should be surrounded by script tags (see the example above) with the proper type attribute. Supported types: php, twig, yaml, javascript. You do not need to escape 'less-than' sign. Column title must be Example: <th>Example</th>.

It's displayed as:

Modal example


Use the deprecated class to mark something as deprecated. Could be applied to a part of text or a whole table row:

<span class="deprecated">option</span> ...

<tr class="deprecated"> ...


To mark something as required use the required class:

<td class="required">default</td>
