
SQL Query Challenges

Basic Level

Retrieve the total number of orders placed. Calculate the total revenue generated from pizza sales. Identify the highest-priced pizza. Identify the most common pizza size ordered. List the top 5 most ordered pizza types along with their quantities.

Intermediate Level

Join the necessary tables to find the total quantity of each pizza category ordered. Determine the distribution of orders by hour of the day. Join relevant tables to find the category-wise distribution of pizzas. Group the orders by date and calculate the average number of pizzas ordered per day. Determine the top 3 most ordered pizza types based on revenue.

Advanced Level

Calculate the percentage contribution of each pizza type to total revenue. Analyze the cumulative revenue generated over time. Determine the top 3 most ordered pizza types based on revenue for each pizza category.


This repository features a range of SQL query challenges that demonstrate skills in data analysis. From basic metrics to advanced revenue insights, these queries highlight my proficiency in SQL and my ability to handle complex data scenarios. Explore the solutions to see my approach to solving diverse analytical problems.