
Store Laravel 4 config in database instead of files

Primary LanguagePHP

Database Config Loader : Database powered configuration for Laravel

Database Config Loader is a composer package for the Laravel PHP Framework that works in tandem with the default config package to allow developers to easily add user-configurable settings to their app and packages.

Key Features

  • Utilizes the same syntax as the Laravel config package (No new syntax to learn)
  • Unlike calls to Config::set() calls to DBconfig::set() are persistant!
  • Backed by Eloquent for the database component means that it works anywhere Laravel does!
  • Automatic type serialization means configuration items can be s string, integer, boolean or even array and the type you save is the type you get back!
  • Supports nested keys just like the Laravel Config package
  • Support for environment based variables
    • More...

Quick Start

  1. Add the package to composer.json

     "hailwood/database-config-loader": "dev-master",
  2. Add the service provider to your application's app.php under the providers key

  3. Add the facade to your application's app.php under the aliases key

     'DBconfig' => 'Hailwood\DatabaseConfigLoader\Facades\DatabaseConfigLoader'



Set also works to update a configuration item

The set method is used to set configuration options and follows the same standard as the Laravel Config package which means it supports namespacing, groups (aka files), and nested keys.

All DBconfig::set(...) methods support an optional third parameter $environment which is the environment the variable key should be used in, these will automatically cascade just like the standard Config package!

#1.0: Global configuration

This method is actually just a shortcut to DBconfig::set('config.key', 'value')!

    DBconfig::set('key', 'value')

Equivalent to having the following in app/config/config.php

    'key' => 'value'

#1.1: Global configuration with group

    DBconfig::set('group.key', 'value')

Equivalent to having the following in app/config/group.php

    'key' => 'value'

#1.2: Global configuration with group and environment

    DBconfig::set('group.key', 'value', 'local')

Equivalent to having the following in app/config/local/group.php

    'key' => 'value'

#2.0: Package configuration

This method is actually just a shortcut to DBconfig::set('package::config.key', 'value')!

    DBconfig::set('package::key', 'value')

Equivalent to having the following in app/config/packages/vendor/package/config.php

    'key' => 'value'

#2.1: Package configuration with group

Packages need to be registered with DBconfig, Actually, they do with the standard Config package too, but Laravel handles this for you when you call $this->package(...) from your service provider!

    DBconfig::set('package::group.key', 'value')

Equivalent to having the following in app/config/packages/vendor/package/group.php

    'key' => 'value'

#2.2: Package configuration with group and environment

    DBconfig::set('package::group.key', 'value', 'local')

Equivalent to having the following in app/config/packages/vendor/package/local/group.php

    'key' => 'value'

#3.0 Nested configuration keys

Nested configuration keys are supported when using any of the with group methods. and has [a bit of magic](#30-nested-configuration-keys---a bit of magic)

    DBconfig::set('config.key.subKey1.subKey2.subKey3', 'value')

Equivalent to having the following in app/config/config.php

    'key' => array(
        'subKey1' => array(
            'subKey2' => array(
                'subKey3' => 'value'

And running:

    DBconfig::set('config.key.subKey1.subKey2.subKey4', 'value2')

After the first line would make the equivalent be

    'key' => array(
        'subKey1' => array(
            'subKey2' => array(
                'subKey3' => 'value',
                'subKey4' => 'value2'

#3.0 Nested configuration keys - a bit of magic!

Notice the array above, let's create the initial key shall we?

    DBconfig::set('config.key', array(
        'subKey1' => array(
            'subKey2' => array(
                'subKey3' => 'value'

We need to do that because we cannot set a value on something that doesn't exist, so we need to create the path right? wrong! this is a Laravel package, and that is anything but elegant!

So, Database Config Loader does a bit of magic for you, Just call DBconfig::set('config.key.subKey1.subKey2.subKey3', 'value') and we'll do the rest!


The get method is used to retrieve configuration options and follows the same standard as the Laravel Config package, which means it supports namespacing, groups (aka files), and nested keys.

The get method is the same as the set method, except in only takes on parameter, the key, so we won't detail it all here again, instead just view set above!

::has(), ::hasGroup(),... Database config loader supports all method used by the standard Laravel Config package, so view the official Laravel documentation for other methods!