
An elegant Laravel 4 wrapper for the official Xero API.

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Xero API wrapper for Laravel 4

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This is a wrapper for the official Xero API php library, found at: https://github.com/XeroAPI/XeroOAuth-PHP

Note: I have not implemented the entire API, instead I have created the core logic which can then be extended (see the examples below).

I have tested the library only with a Private app, but it should work for the others.


Using composer simply add this to your composer.json file:

"require": {
  "daursu/xero": "dev-master"

Use composer to install this package.

$ composer update

Registering the Package

Register the service provider within the providers array found in app/config/app.php:

'providers' => array(
	// ...


Publish the configuration file

php artisan config:publish daursu/xero

This should create a new file in app/config/packages/daursu/xero/config.php. Update this file with your own settings and API key. There is also a folder called certs, where I recommend you to put your certificates.

Here is a guide how to generate your public/private key http://developer.xero.com/documentation/advanced-docs/public-private-keypair/


The syntax is very simillar to the Laravel Eloquent one.

use \Daursu\Xero\Models\Invoice;
use \Daursu\Xero\Models\Contact;

// Retrieve all the invoices
$invoices = Invoice::get();

foreach ($invoices as $invoice) {

// Retrive a single invoice
$invoice = Invoice::find("0263f2bd-5825-476b-b6cf-6b76896a8cff");

// The get method also takes additional parameters
$contact = Contact::get(array('where' => 'Name.Contains("Dan")'));

Create or update a record

This is pretty straight forward as well.

use \Daursu\Xero\Models\Invoice;
use \Daursu\Xero\Models\Contact;

// Initialize from an array
$invoice = new Invoice(array(
    'Type' => 'ACCREC',
    'Status' => 'DRAFT',
    'Date' => date('Y-m-d'),

// Now you will need to attach a contact to the invoice
// Note that this time I am not passing an array to the constructor,
// this is just another way you can initialize objects
$contact = new Contact();
$contact->Name = "John Smith";

// Now you can assign it like this
$invoice->Contact = $contact;

// or

// Save the invoice
$invoice->save(); // returns true or false

// Other methods

print_r($invoice->toArray()); // should have all the properties populated once it comes back from Xero


Collections are used when you need to specify multiple relationships (ie. A contact might have multiple addresses.

use \Daursu\Xero\Models\Contact;
use \Daursu\Xero\Models\Address;

$contact = new Contact;
$contact->name = "John";

// IMPORTANT: A collection can only contain a single type of model
// in this case it can only hold addresses.
$collection = Address::newCollection(array(
			array('AddressType' => 'NEW', 'AddressLine1' => 'Cambridge', 'AddressLine2' => 'England'),
			array('AddressType' => 'OTHER', 'AddressLine1' => 'London', 'AddressLine2' => 'England'),

// Push an new item
$collection->push(array('AddressType' => 'STREET', 'AddressLine1' => 'Street', 'AddressLine2' => 'England'));

// Push an existing object
$address = new Address(array('AddressType' => 'OBJECT', 'AddressLine1' => 'Oxford', 'AddressLine2' => 'England'));

// Now set the relationship

// Or like this
$contact->Addresses = $collection;

// Save the contact

Output methods

// You can output an object using different methods

Extend the library

I have not implemented all the models that Xero provides, however it is very easy to implement. Here is an example of adding a new model called CreditNote.

// File CreditNote.php
<?php namespace Daursu\Xero\Models;

class CreditNote extends BaseModel {

	 * The name of the primary column.
	 * @var string
	protected $primary_column = 'CreditNoteID';


That's it. You can now use it:

use \Daursu\Xero\Models\CreditNote;
use \Daursu\Xero\Models\Contact;

$creditNote = new CreditNote();
$creditNote->Type = 'ACCPAYCREDIT';
$creditNote->Contact = new Contact(array("Name"=> "John");

// Create a collection of credit notes
$collection = CreditNote::newCollection();

Feel free to fork and send pull requests if you extend this library.


  • Version 0.2 - Fix namespaces to adhere to PSR-0. Fixes certain autoload issues.
  • Version 0.1 - Initial release

License & Credits

Credits go to the official Xero API library found at https://github.com/XeroAPI/XeroOAuth-PHP.

This code is licensed under the MIT license. Feel free to modify and distribute.

