
Organisation Info

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

I can't see any classes for getting info about Organisation like the name and address. Do I have to extend the functionality myself or is there already a way to do this?


At the moment there isn't a model for Organisation set up, but the library can be easily extended.

Okay I need some help. I have extended the class as specificed in the docs and tried getting the Organisation name by doing the following query

$organisation = Organisation->getAttribute('Name');

but just keep of getting errors. Could you possibly assist? I have tried almost everything that I can think of.


Oh btw

$organisation = Organisation::get();

returns a protected array which I can't get any other access from.

Can you paste your code for Organisation?

To get an attribute you can just call $organisation->Name after you've fetched it from the API.

You can also try var_dump($organisation->toArray()) to see all the loaded fields.