A customizable svg flags select components for React Js.
Live demo: ekwonye-richard.github.io/react-flags-select/
The package can be installed via NPM:
npm install react-flags-select --save
react-flags-select can be imported as follows
import ReactFlagsSelect from 'react-flags-select';
//import css module
import 'react-flags-select/css/react-flags-select.css';
//OR import sass module
import 'react-flags-select/scss/react-flags-select.scss';
<ReactFlagsSelect />
All country Codes: Country Codes
You can select a default country to be rendered.
defaultCountry="US" />
You can enable search filter using prop searchable
searchable={true} />
You can set the placeholder text for search using prop searchPlaceholder
searchPlaceholder="Search for a country" />
You can use an array of countries rather than the full list of countries.
countries={["US", "GB", "FR", "DE", "IT", "NG"]} />
or create a black list of countries
countries={["US", "GB", "FR", "DE", "IT", "NG"]}
blackList={true} />
You can use an object of countries labels to replace the countries name. The default country name for a country will be used when the country code has no label passed.
countries={["US", "GB", "FR","DE","IT"]}
customLabels={{"US": "EN-US","GB": "EN-GB","FR": "FR","DE": "DE","IT": "IT"}} />
You can replace the default placeholder text.
countries={["US", "GB", "FR","DE","IT"]}
customLabels={{"US": "EN-US","GB": "EN-GB","FR": "FR","DE": "DE","IT": "IT"}}
placeholder="Select Language" />
You can hide or show the label of a selected flag. The default value is true.
countries={["US", "GB", "FR","DE","IT"]}
customLabels={{"US": "EN-US","GB": "EN-GB","FR": "FR","DE": "DE","IT": "IT"}}
placeholder="Select Language"
showSelectedLabel={false} />
You can hide or show the label of the flags in the options dropdown. The default value is true.
countries={["US", "GB", "FR","DE","IT"]}
customLabels={{"US": "EN-US","GB": "EN-GB","FR": "FR","DE": "DE","IT": "IT"}}
placeholder="Select Language"
showOptionLabel={false} />
You can set the size in pixels for the svg flag and label of the selected option.
countries={["US", "GB", "FR","DE","IT"]}
customLabels={{"US": "EN-US","GB": "EN-GB","FR": "FR","DE": "DE","IT": "IT"}}
placeholder="Select Language"
selectedSize={14} />
You can set the size in pixels for the svg flags and labels in the options dropdown.
countries={["US", "GB", "FR","DE","IT"]}
customLabels={{"US": "EN-US","GB": "EN-GB","FR": "FR","DE": "DE","IT": "IT"}}
placeholder="Select Language"
optionsSize={14} />
You can pass a style className that will be attached to the top-level div
of the component.
className="menu-flags" />
You can align the options dropdown to either left or right. The default value is right.
alignOptions="left" />
You can disable the options dropdown, however the selected country can be updated using the updateSelected()
method. This can be used for flag badges.
disabled={true} />
You can use onSelect event handler which fires each time an option is selected.
//onSelect Method
//component render
onSelect={this.onSelectFlag} />
You can dynamically update the selected country on the component using updateSelected()
//updateSelected Method
//component render
defaultCountry="US" />
MIT Licensed. Copyright (c) Richard Ekwonye 2017.