
Implementation of the Maximilian Schwarzmüller's course: Next.js & React - The Complete Guide :rocket:

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Next.js & React - The Complete Guide

Implementation of the Maximilian Schwarzmüller's course: Next.js & React - The Complete Guide. Each folder of the repo represents one of the section of the course.

Section 3: Pages & File-based Routing

Routing and navigation with Next.js. Folder: /routing

Section 4: Project Time - Working with File-based Routing

Routing and navigation applied to a simple demo project. Folder: /routing-demo-project

Section 5: Page Pre-Rendering & Data Fetching

This section covers the next topics:

  • Explanation of how Next.js blends Server-side and Client-side code
  • What is "Data Fetching"
  • Static vs Server-side page generation

Folder: /pre-rendering.

Section 6: Project Time - Page Pre-Rendering & Data Fetching

Page Pre-Rendering & Data Fetching applied to the project developed during Section 4.

Folder: /pre-rendering-demo-project

Section 7: Optimizing NextJS Apps

This section covers the next topics:

  • Adding Meta and tags
  • Re-using components, logic and configuration
  • Optimizing images

Folder: /optimization.

Section 8: Adding Backend Code with API Routes (Fullstack React)

This section covers the next topics:

  • What are API Routes?
  • Adding & Using API Routes
  • Working with Requests & Responses

Folder: /api-routes

Section 9: Project Time - API Routes

API Routes applied to the project developed during Section 7. Folder: /api-routes-demo-project

Section 10: Working with App-wide State (React Context)

Adding app-wide state to the demo project developed during Section 9. Folder: /context

Section 11: Complete App Example: Build a Full Blog A to Z

Practical application of all the concepts and topics covered during the course.

Folder: /blog

Section 12: Deploying NextJS Apps


Section 13: Adding Authentication

This section covers the next topics:

  • How does authentication work?
  • Implementing Signup & Login
  • Controlling page access

Folder: /auth

Images and data