
Utility to list the contents of the Temporary Internet Files folders

Primary LanguageC++

TmpIfs V1.2.1.0

TmpIfs is a Win32 console program that outputs the contents of the Temporary Internet Files folders in a tab delimited format so that you can obtain a listing of this folder in a similar representation to how Explorer displays them.

It outputs the following items:

  • Internet Address
  • Size
  • Last Modified Date
  • Expires Date
  • Last Accessed Date
  • Last Checked Date
  • Hit Rate

TmpIfs - Copyright © 2001-2023 JD Design, All Rights Reserved


There is no installation - just open the zip file, extract the TmpIfs.exe program to a sub-directory of your hard disk and run it from there in a command prompt window.

How Do You Use TmpIfs?

From the sub-directory where you've installed it just enter the command. There are no command line options.

Since there are normally a lot of files in the Temporary Internet Folders you'll want to pipe the output to a file like this:

C:\TmpIfs>tmpifs > tifs.txt

You can then import the file (tifs.txt in the above example) into another application that supports tab delimited text (most spreadsheets support it) and process the information there.


Just delete the TmpIfs.exe file.

Revision History

V1.2.1.0 5 Dec 2023 Removed licensing, updated source code and made public.

V1.2.0.0 3 Feb 2007 Uses the new registration scheme.

V1.1.0.0 16 Jan 2002 Now outputs the time as well as the date for the timestamp fields. Registration now compatible with ExpPrint V1.6.

V1.0.0.0 2 May 2001 First released version.