
Long Project in n7

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



This project that involves the design of a drone path configuration system that is intended to operate within the U-space framework. The technology tries to address some of the issues with safety that come with integrating drones into airspace,especially the modification of the trajectory of a drone following a reconfiguration of the airspace when imposing constraints on the trajectory initially planned.

Development environment

  • Python Ver. 3.10.10

  • pip Ver. 23.0

  • PyQt5 Ver. 5.15.7

    pip3 install pyqt5==5.15.7
  • PyQtWebEngine Ver. 5.15.6

    pip3 install pyqtwebengine==5.15.6

How to run the demo:

In the project root directory:

make demo

Development Specifications

Code Submission Specification

  • All commit must be commented, and the content must describe briefly what is involved in the commit.

    git commit -m "Comments"
  • A reasonable level of granularity in commit, with one commit containing a single function point.

GIT Branch Conventions

GIT tutorial

We have 2 types of branches, Master and Develop.

  • Master branch is used to organize activities related to software development and deployment.
  • Develop branch organizes the various activities that are done to solve a specific problem (features).

The master branch is the core branch for all development activities. The output of all development activities is ultimately reflected in the code of the master branch.

master branch

  • The master branch holds the official release history and the release tag identifies the different releases
  • A project can have ONLY ONE master branch
  • The master branch is only updated when new code is released for deployment
  • master branch is a protected branch and CANNOT be directly pushed to a remote master branch
  • In our project, the master branch code CAN ONLY be merged with the dev branch.

dev branch (develop)

  • The dev branch is a development branch and generally contains all new features being developed
  • The dev branch cannot interact directly with the master branch
  • The dev branch spawns feature branches
  • The dev branch is a protected branch and cannot be directly pushed to the remote repository develop branch
  • A project can have ONLY ONE dev branch

feat Branch (feature)

  • Naming convention:

  • All feat branches use dev branch as their parent branches

    git fetch origin dev 		# no merge
    # OR
    git pull origin dev 		# merge
  • Pull a feat branch from develop on a feature level

  • Each feat branch should be as fine-grained as possible to facilitate fast iteration and avoid conflicts

  • When one of the feat branches is complete, it is merged back into the dev branch

    git checkout dev 		# switch to dev branch
    git merge _YOUR_FEATURE_BRANCH 		# merge your feature branch
    git push origin dev 		# update remote dev branch on GitHub
  • feat branches only interact with the dev branch, NOT directly with the master branch


  • 2023-02-15

    When the frontend program calls addPoint() and addAreas() to create restricted areas with a graphical interface, it will generate temporary JSON files, which are saved in the data/temp folder. The above two methods will repeatedly call the folium.plugins.Draw() function, so for the second called function, two JSON files with the same content will be written repeatedly.


  1. 2023-02-15 Frontend-MainWindow by Guohao


  1. 2023-02-23 Rewrite MainWindow and all JS methods for map and integrate with Drone Simulation
