
Ethernet interface for the colorlight i5 and i9 breakout boards

ColorLight Ethernet Interface

This PCB provides the RJ45 and magnetics to connect a pair of Ethernet sockets to the Colorlight i9 FPGA dev board.

I'm using the excellent LiteX SoC builder from Enjoy Digital.

This uses the liteeth library to create the MAC and interface to the PHY.

The dev board contains a pair of Broadcom B50612D Gigabit Ethernet Transceivers.


The project was inspired by this Ethernet interface by kazkojima.

I found an RJ45 connecter with built in magnetics, which makes the whole design a lot simpler.

Ethernet Interface attached to the colorlight dev board

I've got the system loading a binary image over TFTP and booting. I've not yet had time to do any more tests.

The edge connector does not have LED outputs on it unfortunately. So I've wired these to a 5-pin header on the side of the board. There are 4 resistors on the back of the board to limit the current through the LEDs. The LEDs in these sockets are bicolour bidirectional, but only one direction is supported.

There is also a jumper to select between 5V and 3V3 connection to the pulse transformers, but the circuit seems to work without this being conencted to either. I need to look into its purpose.

I'm currently running PanglOS on the RISC-V. This doesn't yet have a scheduler on the RISC-V, so I don't have any multitasking. Software for the Ethernet interface on my board is still work in progess.

        __   _ __      _  __
       / /  (_) /____ | |/_/
      / /__/ / __/ -_)>  <
   Build your hardware, easily!

 (c) Copyright 2012-2024 Enjoy-Digital
 (c) Copyright 2007-2015 M-Labs

 BIOS built on Oct 19 2024 10:06:09
 BIOS CRC passed (bfabfcc0)

 LiteX git sha1: a59b67e4

--=============== SoC ==================--
CPU:            VexRiscv_LinuxDebug @ 50MHz
BUS:            wishbone 32-bit @ 4GiB
CSR:            32-bit data
ROM:            128.0KiB
SRAM:           8.0KiB
L2:             8.0KiB
FLASH:          8.0MiB
SDRAM:          8.0MiB 32-bit @ 50MT/s (CL-2 CWL-2)
MAIN-RAM:       8.0MiB

--========== Initialization ============--
Ethernet init...
Initializing SDRAM @0x40000000...
Switching SDRAM to software control.
Switching SDRAM to hardware control.
Memtest at 0x40000000 (2.0MiB)...
  Write: 0x40000000-0x40200000 2.0MiB     
   Read: 0x40000000-0x40200000 2.0MiB     
Memtest OK
Memspeed at 0x40000000 (Sequential, 2.0MiB)...
  Write speed: 18.4MiB/s
   Read speed: 25.3MiB/s

Initializing w25q64 SPI Flash @0x00800000...
SPI Flash clk configured to 25 MHz
Memspeed at 0x800000 (Sequential, 4.0KiB)...
   Read speed: 2.3MiB/s
Memspeed at 0x800000 (Random, 4.0KiB)...
   Read speed: 1.0MiB/s

--============== Boot ==================--
Booting from serial...
Press Q or ESC to abort boot completely.
Booting from flash...
Error: Invalid image length 0xacc0d000
Booting from network...
Local IP:
Remote IP:
Booting from boot.json...
Copying app.bin to 0x40000000... (109760 bytes)
Executing booted program at 0x40000000

--============= Liftoff! ===============--
 ____                   _  ___  ____  
|  _ \ __ _ _ __   __ _| |/ _ \/ ___| 
| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _` | | | | \___ \ 
|  __/ (_| | | | | (_| | | |_| |___) |
|_|   \__,_|_| |_|\__, |_|\___/|____/ 

LiteX/PanglOS. Built Oct 19 2024 09:49:13

1049893 main DEBUG main.cpp +641 app_main() :