
Syllabus for HUDK 5053 Feature Engineering Studio

Feature Engineering Studio: Syllabus

Course Description

Feature Engineering Studio is a core course of the Learning Analytics Program and preference is given to students within this course of study. FES is a design studio style course that tackles real world data problems assocaited with technology use in education. Students will work in groups with outside organizations on data projects pertinent to eudcational problems. They will be required to respond to briefs supplied by the organizations and perform all parts of the workflow to generate data solutions for those organizations including, data cleaning and access, feature engineering and distillation, visualization, and final deliverables.

Educational Goals

  • Obtain experience with real-world educational data problems in context
  • Setup an automated data collection operation
  • Begin a project for use as Capstone project
  • Develop workforce readiness and job search skills


Assessemnt is broken down into team and individual deliverables.

Individual Deliverables:

  • SQL Tutorial & Test
  • Updated LinkedIn account
  • Updated Github account
  • Attend & Present on a relevant EdTech/Data Science event

Team Deliverables

Class Project

  • ClickUp workplan
  • Github Repo
  • Presentation

Placement Project

  • Memorandum of understanding including description of deliverables signed by supervisor
  • Privacy policies that govern data use & any specific non-disclosure agreements
  • Project timeline, finishing date and division of labor in ClickUp
  • Final deliverable as defined in consultation with placement supervisor

Relationship to Learning Analytics Program Capstone Project

Site projects started in FES are intended to become Capstone Projects for completion of the Learning Analytics Masters Program. In order to use team projects as Capstone submissions teams must present on their project at the Learning Analytics End of Year Ceremony in March, 2019.


Class is scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays will cover new material, Thursdays will be team meetings and check ins.

Date Topic Due Presenter
09-06 Introduction and Project Briefs
09-11 Defining Your Problem & MOUs Project Selection
09-13 Project Management Tools, Iteration & Collabroation Class Project ClickUp Plan
09-18 APIs & OAUTH MOU & Project Timeline Zhuqian Zhou
09-20 Amazon Webservices I
09-25 Amazon Webservices II
09-27 SQL Test SQL Test
10-02 Functionalization & Dockerization Anh Nguyen
10-09 Five Machine Learning Models
09-18 APIs & OAUTH MOU & Project Timeline
09-20 Amazon Webservices I
09-25 Amazon Webservices II
09-27 SQL Test SQL Test
10-02 Functionalization & Dockerization
10-09 Five Machine Learning Models Maria Hamdani, Sizheng Zhu, Dave Cody
10-02 Functionalization & Dockerization Xuecen Wang
10-09 Five Machine Learning Models Yipu Zheng
10-16 LinkedIn & Github LinkedIn & Github Updated Yi Shen, Kim, Yigu Liang
10-23 Class Project Presentations Class Project Presentation, Github Repo Blake
10-30 Placement Check In Placement ClickUp Plan Due
11-06 Placement MOU, NDA, Privacy docs
12-11 Placement Presentations

Fine Print

  1. All examinations, papers, and other graded work and assignments are to be completed in conformance with the [Academic Integrity Policy](http://www.tc.columbia.edu/administration/diversity/index.asp? Id=Civility+Resources+and+Policies&Info=Civility+Resources+and+Policies&Area=Studen t+Miscon duct+Policy). Students who intentionally submit work either not their own or without clear attribution to the original source, fabricate data or other information, engage in cheating, or misrepresentation of academic records may be subject to charges. Sanctions may include dismissal from the college for violation of the TC principles of academic and professional integrity fundamental to the purpose of the College.

  2. The College will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities for information about registration (166 Thorndike Hall). Services are available only to students who are registered and submit appropriate documentation. As your instructor, I am happy to discuss specific needs with you as well.

  3. The grade of Incomplete will be assigned only when the course attendance requirement has been met but, for reasons satisfactory to the instructor, the granting of a final grade has been postponed because certain course assignments are outstanding. If the outstanding assignments are completed within one calendar year from the date of the close of term in which the grade of Incomplete was received and a final grade submitted, the final grade will be recorded on the permanent transcript, replacing the grade of Incomplete, with a transcript notation indicating the date that the grade of Incomplete was replaced by a final grade. If the outstanding work is not completed within one calendar year from the date of the close of term in which the grade of Incomplete was received, the grade will remain as a permanent Incomplete on the transcript. In such instances, if the course is a required course or part of an approved program of study, students will be required to re-enroll in the course including repayment of all tuition and fee charges for the new registration and satisfactorily complete all course requirements. If the required course is not offered in subsequent terms, the student should speak with the faculty advisor or Program Coordinator about their options for fulfilling the degree requirement. Doctoral students with six or more credits with grades of Incomplete included on their program of study will not be allowed to sit for the certification exam.

  4. Teachers College students have the responsibility for activating the Columbia University Network ID (UNI) and a free TC Gmail account. As official communications from the College – e.g., information on graduation, announcements of closing due to severe storm, flu epidemic, transportation disruption, etc. -- will be sent to the student’s TC Gmail account, students are responsible for either reading email there, or, for utilizing the mail forwarding option to forward mail from their account to an email address which they will monitor.

  5. It is the policy of Teachers College to respect its members’ observance of their major religious holidays. Students should notify instructors at the beginning of the semester about their wishes to observe holidays on days when class sessions are scheduled. Where academic scheduling conflicts prove unavoidable, no student will be penalized for absence due to religious reasons, and alternative means will be sought for satisfying the academic requirements involved. If a suitable arrangement cannot be worked out between the student and the instructor, students and instructors should consult the appropriate department chair or director. If an additional appeal is needed, it may be taken to the Provost.