Library for building WebSocket clients and servers in Erlang.
Still in beta state but you can see an example at wsserver WSOCK
Wsock are a set of modules that can be used to build Websockets (RFC 6455) clients an servers.
It's still in beta state (not valid for something serious. Yet)
There's an example of a client wrote using wsock at
Don't forguet to include the wsock headers file:
Build a handshake request:
HandshakeRequest = wsock_handshake:open(Resource, Host, Port)
And encode it to send it through the wire:
BinaryData = wsock_http:encode(HandshakeRequest#handshake.message)
Receive and validate handshake response:
{ok, HandshakeResponse} = wsock_http:decode(Data, response)
wsock_handshake:handle_response(HandshakeResponse, HandshakeRequest)
Once the connection has been stablished you can send data through it:
Message = wsock_message:encode(Data, [mask, text]) %text data
Message = wsock_message:encode(Data, [mask, binary]) %binary data
If there is no previous fragmented message:
ListOfMessages = wsock_message:decode(Data, [])
If the previously received message was fragmented pass it as parameter:
ListOfMessages = wsock_message:decode(Data, FragmentedMessage, [])
Check wsock.hrl for a description of the message record.
Once you are done close the connection following the closing handshake.
Init closing:
Message = wsock_message:encode([], [mask, close])
Then you'll have to wait for a close message and a the closing of the server socket before closing your socket (read the RFC).
There's an example of a dummy-server using wsock at
Don't forget to include the wsock headers file:
Accept openning handshakes from your clients (gen_tcp).
Decode the http-handshake request:
{ok, OpenHttpMessage} = wsock_http:decode(Data, request),
{ok, OpenHandshake} = wsock_handshake:handle_open(OpenHttpMessage)
Get handshake key to generate a handshake response:
ClientWSKey = wsock_http:get_header_value("sec-websocket-key", OpenHandshake#handshake.message),
{ok, HandshakeResponse} = wsock_handshake:response(ClientWSKey)
Encode the http-handshake response:
ResponseHttpMessage = wsock_http:encode(HandshakeResponse#handshake.message)
Now you all have to do is send it over the wire.
ListOfMessages = wsock_message:decode(Data, [masked]) % messages from clients are masked
ListOfMessages = wsock_message:encode(Data, [text]) % text data, servers don't mask data
ListOfMessages = wsock_message:encode(Data, [binary]) % binary data
CloseMessage = wsock_message:encode(Reason, [close])
Unit test where done with the library espec by lucaspiller.
To run them
rake spec or, in case you don't have rake installed,
rebar compile && ERL_LIBS='deps/' ./espec test/spec/
If you find or think that something isn't working properly, just open an issue.
Pull requests and patches (with tests) are welcome.
This stuff has been writen by Farruco sanjurjo
- @madtrick at twitter
- Blog at
Copyright [2012] [Farruco Sanjurjo Arcay]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.